Troubleshooting (Digital Demodulation)

This topic contains information to help troubleshoot measurements when using Digital Demodulation. Also see Setting up a Digital Demod Measurement for additional measurement information.

In VSA version 20.00, the default values when first selecting the Digital Demodulation measurement type were changed for the following settings:

Symbol Rate - Changed from 24.3 kHz kiloHertz: A radio frequency measurement (one kilohertz = one thousand cycles per second). to Frequency Span/2.

Pulse Search - Changed from ON (selected) to OFF (cleared).

If you use the previous default values for existing measurements, you may get unexpected results unless you change manually these settings to their previous values.




Demodulation fails to lock on signal

Signal not present

Check connections


Carrier too far from center frequency

Adjust Center frequency


Input is over-loaded or under ranged

Adjust input Range


Frequency span is too narrow

Increase frequency Span


Signal is pulsed

Set Pulse Search ON


Signal is pulsed and result length is longer than pulse

Decrease Result Length.


Signal is too noisy

Try selecting the Low SNR Enhancement checkbox (Advanced Tab of Demod Properties). Must be in a modulation format that supports Low SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio Enhancement.


Wrong symbol rate

Enter correct Symbol Rate (not bit rate)


Wrong filter selections

Select proper measurement and reference filters and correct setting for Alpha / BT.


Wrong modulation format

Select correct modulation format


I/Q offset too large

Reduce LO feedthrough (or DC offset for I+jQ receiver)


I/Q misaligned using I+jQ receiver

Ensure that ch1 and ch2 trigger delays are correct


Spectrum Disappears

Spectrum not present or digital demodulation not configured correctly.

View the Spectrum trace (Trace > Data > Spectrum). If Pulse Search is on also examine the time and search time traces (Trace > Data > Time or Trace > Data > Search Time). Use these traces to determine if the spectrum is present or if the digital demodulator isn't configured properly.




Eye diagrams show incorrect symbol timing

Signal path has phase distortion

Adjust clock delay to minimize EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format.


Clock delay is incorrect

Adjust clock delay to minimize EVM


I and Q are misaligned using I+jQ receiver

Check trigger delay and cable length

Adjust for delay using external calibration


Signal path limits amplitude fluctuations for non-MSK Minimum Shift Keying signals

Remove non-linearity, or compensate with clock delay





Search length too short or search offset incorrect

Increase Search Length, adjust search offset


Incorrect sync word

Check and correct sync word


Incorrect state definitions

Change state definitions or sync word


Wrong MSK demodulator

Select correct MSK demodulator





Signal not pulsed

Turn off Pulse Search


Search length too short

Increase Search Length or adjust triggering to ensure that leading and trailing edges of pulse are fully within search length


Signal length not optimized

Try the following method to determine Search Length when performing a Pulse Search:

SL = (2*MaxOn) + MaxOff

Where:SL is search length in seconds.

MaxOn is the maximum on time of a pulse in seconds.

MaxOff is the maximum off time between pulses in seconds.




Pulse found but incorrectly aligned

Poor signal-to noise ratio or on/off ratio

Check input Range setting

Reduce Span to eliminate excess noise and interfering signals.


Pulse is asymmetrical

Use Constellation Sync Search to align result length


Span is too narrow

Increase Span to prevent degradation of pulse edges




Error Vector Time shows large error between symbols

Wrong filter alpha

Adjust filter's Alpha




Error Vector Time shows regions of large errors

Distortion or a poor signal to-noise ratio causing bit errors

Check input Range


Large frequency errors interfering with carrier lock

Adjust Center frequency


Large I/Q offsets causing bit errors

Reduce LO feedthrough (or DC offset if using I+jQ receiver)




EVM larger than expected and Error Vector Time shows errors that increase towards beginning and end of result length

Wrong symbol rate

Make fine adjustments to the Symbol Rate


Result length larger than pulse

Decrease Result Length




EVM larger than expected and Error Vector Time shows a uniform distribution of errors

Frequency span too narrow

Increase Span


Input is overloaded or under ranged

Adjust input Range


Result length is too short

Increase result length


Wrong filter selections

Check that filter selections allow the filtered measured signal to match the reference signal


Channel conditions have biased symbol timing recovery

Observe eye diagrams and adjust clock delay to compensate symbol timing recovery.


Time corrections disabled

Enable time corrections


Signal too close to DC

Increase carrier frequency


I and Q misaligned using I+jQ receiver

Check trigger delay settings and cable lengths


AC coupling when using I+jQ receiver

Select DC coupling on both input channels


I and Q imbalance

Ensure impedance is identical for both inputs


Sync enabled and sync word not unique. Result incorrectly positioned with respect to signal

Ensure that sync word is unique


For MSK type 1, signal contains I/Q offset

Select MSK Type 2 to remove I/Q offset term from result


The trace data constellation symbol location shape, such as dots, is not properly displayed.

The display driver is not functioning correctly.

Contact your PC manufacturer to see if a newer version of the display driver is available. If not, try decreasing the hardware acceleration. See the Windows documentation for instructions.

See Also

Parameter Interactions (Digital Demod)

Setting up a Digital Demod Measurement

VSA error and status messages

VSA Troubleshooting Topics