Payload (DVB-S2/S2X)

Payload is a parameter group within the Frame Definition tab containing the following parameters:

Payload Header specifies the payload header type.

Default: Unknown

Choices: Unknown, None

Payload specifies the payload data sequence.

Default: Unknown

Choices: Unknown, AllOnes, AllZeros, PN9, PN11, PN15, PN20, PN23, Custom


BCH/LDPC Encode On enables or disables LDPC and BCH decoding for the payload.

Default: Disabled

Range: Enabled, Disabled

Soft Decision Decoding Enabled enables or disables soft decoding for the payload. During decoding, the input bits can be hard decision bits (0, 1) or soft decision bits which are float values indicating the reliability of the bits.

Default: Disabled

Range: Enabled, Disabled

Skip LDPC Decoding On Parity Check Fail enables or disables whether LDPC decoding is bypassed when there is an LDPC parity check failure.

Default: Enabled

Range: Enabled, Disabled

BER Enabled determines whether the payload data is included in Bit Errors, Bit Count and BER metrics. See Frame Summary, Carrier Summary and Syms/Errs for more information.

BER calculations are supported if the payload sequence is either AllOnes, AllZeros, a PN type or a custom bit sequence.

Default: Disabled

Range: Enabled, Disabled


See Also

Frame Definition Tab

Measurement Control Tab

Carrier Aggregation Tab