Custom Modulation Tab (Flex Frame)

The Custom Modulation tab contains controls for importing, exporting and editing custom modulations. The custom modulation feature in the FlexFrame measurement allows users to define a custom symbol mapping for known modulation schemes, by creating a .txt file that describes this mapping and importing that file, or by creating a custom modulation within the VSA software.

A constellation mapping can be imported by clicking the import button. Upon selecting the file to be imported, and completing the import process, a new custom modulation will appear in the table. Selecting this custom modulation will allow the user to view the constellation mappings in the corresponding table on the right. In addition, the custom modulation can be edited and exported to a file.

The Custom Modulation tab configures and displays these parameters:

Constellation Mapping

+ Add Custom Modulation

Custom Modulations

Constellation Table


See Also

Flex Frame Properties Dialog Box