General Preferences
tab includes settings that affect the general operation of the 89600 VSA software.Measurements
(default): The VSA will return the measurement settings to their preset states each time the hardware configuration changes. This is the default state for backward compatibility.
: The VSA will try to preserve the measurement settings when possible. In most cases, when switching between hardware configurations:
a) The measurement type is preserved (e.g., if digital demodulation was selected before, it should remain selected)
b) Measurement settings are preserved (e.g., symbol rate)
c) Input extension parameters are preserved
(default): The VSA will restart the measurement faster than the previous versions of the VSA if the current measurement supports faster measurement restarts. Previously, a measurement restart displayed a blank trace before starting the first data acquisition. If the measurement supports it, this blank trace is not displayed and the first acquisition of data is started immediately.
: The VSA will retain the behavior of previous versions where a measurement restart causes a blank trace to be displayed before starting the first data acquisition.
custom channel configuration’s logical channel to measurement mapping will be preset when the measurement is preset.
: The VSA will retain the behavior of previous versions where thecustom channel configuration’s channel mapping between logical channels and the measurement will not be preset.
(default): When a measurement preset is performed, the
Recall Setup) and the current data source selection (Input > Data From) does not match the data source specified in the .setx file, a dialog will appear to alert the user of the mismatch. The dialog displays the current measurement and .setx file settings, and it provides the opportunity to fix the mismatch by changing the measurement setting to either From Recording or From Hardware. Selecting Cancel will leave the measurement setting unchanged.
(default): When a previously saved setup is recalled (File > Recall >
: No warning dialog appears to alert the user of a data source mismatch.
Macros Path
button opens a dialog for selecting the path where user-created macros are stored. The default macros path is C:\Users\<user>\Documents\Keysight\89600B VSA\Macros.