Parts (Digital Input)

Data from a Logic Analyzer can be used by the 89600 VSA software as either real or complex data. The Parts property determines how data is mapped from the Logic Analyzer data buses to an 89600 VSA data stream. After setting this property, a bus or buses must be chosen using the Bus Name drop-down lists. Define scale factors to apply to each chosen bus using the Scale drop-down lists. Labels on the Bus Name and Scale drop-down lists indicate how they are used in the data composition.

Parts Setting

Mapping to VSA Data


The chosen bus maps to real data

I and Q

Two chosen buses map to the real (I) part and the imaginary (Q) part.

I and Q (interleave)

Pairs of data from the chosen bus are used as real and imaginary parts.

Q and I (interleave)

Same as above except imaginary part comes first, followed by real.


The chosen bus maps to phase; magnitude is set by Data Scale.

Magnitude and Phase

Two chosen buses map to magnitude and to phase.

Magnitude and Phase (interleave)

Pairs of data from the chosen bus are used as magnitude and phase.

Phase and Magnitude (interleave)

Same as above except phase is followed by magnitude.

The Parts property is the same for all channels. Setting the value for any channel sets the same value on all other channels.

See Also

About Digital Input Properties