Real vs. Imag (Trace Format)
IQ trace format with the Real values on the x-axis and Imaginary values on the y-axis. However, there are several differences between and the trace formats.
is an x-y plot of the complex trace data similar to theThe first difference is that X Axis Format and Y Axis Format parameters.
provides three different ways to transform the coordinates of the trace. The transform can be applied separately for the x and y axes using theThe second difference is that the scaling per division can be set separately for each axis (X Per Division and Y Per Division.
and trace formats require the same scaling for both axes). SeeLastly, in contrast to the complex stimulus-response data like AM/PM and Gain Compression. For these particular Graph trace data types, the x-axis shows stimulus voltage and the y-axis shows differential phase or gain, respectively.
trace format, where the type of data typically plotted contains complex numbers whose real and imaginary values are equivalent (voltage values for I and Q), the type of data plotted using the format is generallySince the underlying data that is plotted is just an array of complex numbers, this trace format can be used with other types of data (such as an IQ Meas Time trace for Digital Demod). However, the main use of this trace format is for Graph traces where the real and imaginary values for each point do not have the same interpretation.
See Also