Gain (User Correction, Playback User Correction)

Menu Path: Input > User Correction

Input > Playback User Correction

 Default: 0 dB (1 V/V)

Changing the gain of an input channel does not affect the trigger level. Regardless of the User Correction gain, the trigger level is always set relative to the actual signal level. For example, whether the gain is 1 or 100, a trigger level of 0.5 mV configures the VSA to trigger when the input signal crosses 0.5 mV.

The Display Reference Line will reflect the user gain setting (for example, if the gain is set to 2 and the trigger level is 0.5 mV, the Display Ref Line will appear at 1 mV on time traces).

See Also


About User Correction

About Playback User Correction