Troubleshooting (802.15.4 HRP UWB)

This topic contains information to help you troubleshoot measurements when using 802.15.4 HRP UWB Demodulation.




SYNC NOT FOUND message on traces

Trigger location is after beginning of SHR.

Set Input > Trigger > Delay to a negative value to compensate for trigger.

  Signal not present. Ensure signal is present.
  SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio too low. Decrease Input > Analog > Range to just before overload, or perform Autorange.
  Incorrect SFD Start frame delimiter Length. Set SFD Length to the correct value.

Main Lobe Pk below 80%

Pulse shape does not have good correlation with RRC.

Check transmitter filter design.


Significant sidelobes. Caused by reflections in cabling.

Check connectors and cabling for shorts, opens, or impedance mismatch.


Incorrect Code Index.

Set Code Index to correct value.




CARRIER LOCK? message on traces

Signal too far away from VSA’s center frequency.

Adjust Center Frequency to within 1 MHz Megahertz: A unit of frequency equal to one million hertz or cycles per second. of the signal’s center.

Missing pulses in IQ Meas trace

When Equalization Source is set to Inverse Measured Pulse, the equalization applied to the IQ Meas trace will zero any locations in IQ Meas that do not correspond to pulses in the IQ Ref trace. If the data is not demodulated correctly, there will be pulses in IQ Meas that are zeroed, but really contain pulses.

To see these pulses, set Equalization Source to None.

See Also

About Option 802.15.4 HRP UWB Modulation Analysis

VSA error and status messages

VSA Troubleshooting Topics