Channel (802.15.4 HRP UWB)

Default: 0

Range: Ch0-Ch15

Channel selects the HRP UWB PHY Physical Layer channel for the measurement. After selecting a channel number, click Preset to set the measurement parameters to typical (preset) values for the channel.

There are 16 channels, 0-15. Each channel has a specific center and bandwidth, as indicated in Table 16-11 of the IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. A US-based membership organisation that includes engineers, scientists, and students in electronics and related fields. The IEEE developed the 802 series wired and wireless LAN standards. Visit the IEEE at 802.15.4 standard. Four of the channels (4, 7, 11, 15) have wider (pulse) bandwidth, but all have a chip rate of 499.2 MHz Megahertz: A unit of frequency equal to one million hertz or cycles per second..

The VSA software needs a measurement span >= 2 * pulse bandwidth to make sure the Transmit Mask measurement can be performed. Span >= 1.5 * channel bandwidth is needed to ensure all other metrics are valid.

See Also

Format Tab

802.15.4 HRP UWB Demod Properties Dialog Box