Ant. Det. Threshold (LTE-Advanced)

Default: -10 dB 

Range: -100 dB to +100 dB

Ant. Det. Threshold sets the threshold for Cell-specific RS antenna port detection. The average C-RS Cell-specific RS antenna port power needs to be above the antenna detection threshold in order for that antenna port to be detected by the demodulator as being present in a measurement channel. The threshold is specified relative to the average C-RS power level of the reference C-RS/Rx path, which is determined by the parameters Ref Meas Channel and Ref C-RS Port.

For example, a combination of transmissions from Ports 0-3 are being received on Rx0 (measurement channel 1), Ant. Det. Threshold is set to -10 dB, Ref Meas Channel is set to Ch1 (Rx0), and Ref C-RS Port is set to Port 2. The demodulator will set the detection threshold 10 dB below the average Port 2 C-RS power level received on measurement channel 1 (path = C-RS2/Rx0). Any other transmission paths with an average C-RS power level which is at or below this threshold will not be detected nor included in demodulation results. However, any undetected transmissions will affect EVM Error vector magnitude (EVM): A quality metric in digital communication systems. See the EVM metric in the Error Summary Table topic in each demodulator for more information on how EVM is calculated for that modulation format. since they will not be equalized and will act as noise.

Include Inactive Paths can be used to show information about all C-RS/Rx paths on the MIMO traces.

See Also

Ref C-RS Port

MIMO Decoding

Format Tab

LTE-Advanced Demod Properties Dialog Box