Report Relative Power Levels (LTE)

Default: Selected

Report Relative Power Levels determines whether power values on traces are reported in dB relative to the 0 dB point or reported as absolute values.

When Report Relative Power Levels is selected, powers will be reported relative to the signal's 0 dB point. The 0 dB point is determined by C-RS Power Boost for downlink and by the sync signal's power for uplink.

When Report Relative Power Levels is cleared, the absolute power will be reported.

The following traces are affected by this parameter:

The only summary table affected by this parameter is the Frame Summary table. The Power data result will be reported in dB when this parameter is selected and in dBm deciBels referenced to a milliWatt: dB relative to 1 milliwatt dissipated in the nominal input impedance of the analyzer when this parameter is cleared. The power values reported on Error Summary and MIMO Info Table are not affected by this parameter.

See Also

Advanced tab

LTE Demod Properties Dialog Box