Pulse Search (MB-OFDM)

Menu Path: MeasSetup > MB-OFDM Demod Properties > Advanced tab

Default: Select (See MB-OFDM Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

When Pulse Search is selected, the demodulator searches for the amplitude rise at the beginning of a packet, ignoring the short "off times" between symbols. After this, synchronization with the preamble is performed.

When cleared, no pulse search occurs but the preamble synchronization is performed within a search range similar to the pulse search range. While this is more time consuming than a pulse search, it improves the ability to find a packet in worse signal-to-noise (SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio) conditions.

See Also

MB-OFDM Modulation Overview

Lengths, Intervals, and Offsets (MB-OFDM)

Using Standard Setups/Presets (MB-OFDM)

Advanced Tab (MB-OFDM Demod Properties)