Selecting NB-IoT Demodulation

Configures the 89600 VSA to demodulate NB-IoT signals (downlink) that are compliant with the 3GPP Technical Specifications listed in About Option BHT: NB-IoT Modulation Analysis.

After selecting the NB-IoT demodulator, the measurement configuration parameters must be configured. You can use Preset to set parameters to typical values, or you can configure the VSA manually from the NB-IoT Demod Properties dialog box.

Reviewing the Setting up an NB-IoT Measurement topic is also recommended.

Configure the demodulator

After selecting the NB-IoT measurement type, you need to set certain configuration parameters on the Format tab of the NB-IoT Demod Properties dialog box to ensure demodulation of your signal. For a detailed setup procedure, see Setting up an NB-IoT Measurement.

Example recordings

The 89600 VSA includes several example NB-IoT signals that can be used to help you learn how to use the NB-IoT demodulator. The included signals are listed in the Demo and Recorded Signals topic in the Getting Started book.

See Also

Setting up an NB-IoT Measurement


NB-IoT Demod Properties Dialog Box