About Keysight PSA with 89600 VSA Software

The 89600 VSA software supports the Keysight PSA in various system configurations that offer high performance spectrum and signal analysis up to 50 GHz Gigahertz: A frequency measurement which equals one billion hertz.. The PSA can be used as the measurement front-end for the 89600 VSA software or as a Tuner (external downconverter) for the system. Measurement control is via a direct GPIB connection, a point-to-point LAN Local Area Network: A communications network that serves users within a local geographical area, typically over distances of around 100m. Wireless LANs use wireless communicaitons to network devices so there is no need for data cabling. connection, LAN network connection, or a USB connection.

The highest performance interface is a USB connection. Live Input-Output operations and recording transfers are noticeably faster.

The Keysight PSA can be configured with the 89600 VSA in the following products:

If your PSA has option 266 (ESA/PSA Series Programming Code Compatibility Suite) make sure the Remote Language for the PSA is set to SCPI. To see if your PSA has option 266, press the following keys on your PSA: System > More > Show System or send the SCPI command SYST:OPT?. To set the Remote Language to SCPI, press the following keys on your PSA: System > Config I/O > Configure Remote Lang > Language and select SCPI or send the SCPI command SYST:LANG SCPI.

More information

For information on parameters in the Input Extensions dialog box for PSA, see Configure PSA.

For more information and GPIB status, see the Frequently Asked Questions link from the 89600 VSA image\globe.jpgWeb page

Configuration, Measurement, and Performance Information

For detailed performance and measurement information, see the appropriate technical overview linked from the Product Literature topic.

For configuration information, see the Configuration Guide linked from the Product Literature topic.