About Pulse Scoring

The pulse scoring feature performs a pulse-by-pulse comparison between the measurement’s pulse pattern and a reference pulse pattern. Ideally, the reference pulse pattern will contain the same number of pulses as the measurement’s pulse pattern. In this case, the patterns will be synchronized and pulse scoring will occur for every pulse in each repetition of the pattern. If the reference pulse pattern only contains a subset of the measurement’s pulse pattern, the reference pulse pattern will repeat at a different rate than the measurement’s pulse pattern, and synchronization of pulses that match the reference will occur at every least common multiple of measurement pulses and reference pulses. For example, if there are 19 measurement pulses and 2 reference pulses, matches will occur every 19*2, or 38 pulses, which would be pulses 1, 2, 39, 40, 77, 78, 115, 116, and so on (assuming the first match occurs at pulse 1).

Consider the following table that contains a repeating pattern of 19 pulses and results from three pulse scoring scenarios. In the first scenario, all 19 pulses are copied as the reference pulse pattern. In this case, the 19 repeating reference pulses align with the 19 repeating measured pulses, so every pulse has a valid (non-zero) scoring value. In the second scenario, only the first pulse is copied as the reference pulse pattern. In this case, there is a scoring match every 19th pulse (pulses 1, 20, 39, 58, 77, 96, 115, etc.). In the third scenario, the first and second pulses are copied as the reference pulse pattern. In this case, there are two scoring matches every 38th pulse ( pulses 1, 2, 39, 40, 77, 78, 115, 116, etc.).

See Also

Scoring Tab

Pulse Table

Scoring Metric