t1 Old (RFID)

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Demod > Summary NFC

t1 Old displays the average, maximum, and minimum fall+off times for pulses within the selected burst (Burst Index) using a previous definition of fall+off time.

t1 Old uses the definition that a pulse's fall+off time is the 100% to 0% fall time, plus the off time up to the minimum amplitude point before the signal crosses the ASK Upper Threshold.

t1 Old is only applicable for ISO 14443A signals with ASK modulation.

t1 Old is calculated from the data displayed in the Demod Meas Time trace.  The average, maximum, and minimum values are calculated for each measurement.

See Also

Meas Time trace data (RFID)

t1 Fall+Off Time (RFID)

Summary NFC Table (RFID)