Meas Time (RFID)

The Demod Meas Time trace is the same as Meas Time With CW, except that the interrogator CW power is removed.  The default display format of this trace is Real.

Rise and fall times of the ASK signal are determined by the ASK Upper and ASK Lower threshold levels and are expressed as a percentage of the full signal.  The Demod Meas Time trace is normalized so that 100% and 0% are set to the On and Off amplitude levels, respectively, when the format is either DSB-ASK, SSB-ASK, or PR-ASK. The 0% level is set to the the zero amplitude level when the format is OOK (100% is still set to the On amplitude level).  

All ASK modulation quality metrics but Mod Index, Mode Depth, On Amp and Off Amp are calculated from this trace.

The trace title is determined by the type of modulation format specified by the Fwd Format or the Ret Format selected on the Format Tab of the RFID Demod Properties dialog box. If the modulation format specified is ASK, the trace title will read ASK Meas Time; if FSK Frequency Shift Keying: A form of modulation using multiple carrier frequencies to carry the digital information. The most common is the two frequency FSK system using the two frequencies to carry the binary ones and zeros. is selected, the trace title will read FSK Meas Time.

See Also

Available Features (RFID)

Setting up a RFID measurement

Troubleshooting (RFID)

Meas Time With CW (RFID)

Ref Time (RFID)

Summary (RFID)