Mag Err (RFID)

Menu Path: Trace > Data > Demod > Inst Spectrum

Mag Err (Magnitude Error) trace shows the magnitude error of the carrier over all symbol points. The default display format of this trace is Real.

This trace is applicable to FSK Frequency Shift Keying: A form of modulation using multiple carrier frequencies to carry the digital information. The most common is the two frequency FSK system using the two frequencies to carry the binary ones and zeros. signals only.

Mag Err shown in the symbol table is shown as a percentage and is the rms average of the magnitude errors at all symbol locations divided by the average magnitude, as follows:  


Mag Err is an indicator of the quality of the amplitude component of the modulated signal. For example, a very high magnitude error might indicate high incidental AM Amplitude Modulation - CW modulation using amplitude variation in proportion to the amplitude of the modulating signal. Usually taken as DSB-LC for commercial broadcast transmissions and DSB-SC for multiplexed systems. modulation on the signal.

The magnitude error measurement (Mag Err) shown in the Demod Summary table is computed only at the symbol times (the instant in time when symbols are detected). The computation does not include points between symbols. Therefore, the value of Points / Symbol has no effect on this error data.

See Also

Mag Err - Summary (RFID)

Points / Symbol (RFID)

Summary Table (RFID)