Demod Summary (RFID)

The  Demod Summary table displays the results of the RFID demodulation analysis. The information presented in the trace table depends on the type of modulation format specified by the Fwd Format or the Ret Format selection on the Format tab and on the direction of the burst specified by the Burst Search parameters. The table types are:

Generating the Table Data

The RFID demodulation analysis generates two Meas Time traces, Demod Meas Time and Demod Meas Time with CW. (Demod Meas Time is created by removing CW from the Demod Meas Time with CW trace.)  

These two Meas Time traces are normalized by , where:



Ai : On-Amplitude of i-th pulse,

Bi  : Off-Amplitude of i-th pulse,

N : Number of pulses.

Therefore, all amplitude-related results are calculated from these two traces are normalized by .

The average Mod Depth is defined as: .

The average Mod Index is defined as: .

The following illustration shows how RFID derives some measurements.




The table below describes the ASK Summary Table entries:

ASK Summary Table Entries

Mod Depth

Mod Index 

On Amp

Off Amp

On Ripple OS

On Ripple US

Off Ripple OS

Off Ripple US


Duty Cycle 

On Width

Off Width

D0 Time

D1 Time

Rise Time

Fall Time

Freq Err

Bit Rate

Tag Phase

Tag Amp

FSK Frequency Shift Keying: A form of modulation using multiple carrier frequencies to carry the digital information. The most common is the two frequency FSK system using the two frequencies to carry the binary ones and zeros. Summary Table Entries

Fsk Err

Mag Err


Freq Err

See Also

Fwd Format (RFID)

Ret Format (RFID)

Burst Search (RFID)

Burst Index (RFID)

Demod Meas Time (RFID)

Demod Meas Time With CW (RFID)

Format Tab (RFID Demod Properties)