Show Raw QPSK Symbols (TD-SCDMA)

Default: Cleared (See TD-SCDMA Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Show Raw QPSK Symbols affects the Composite Symbols display pilot bits or midamble bits, depending on which timeslot is the Analysis TimeSlot. The pilot and midamble codes are modulated by +1, +j, -1, -j repeating pattern.

When Show Raw QPSK Symbols is cleared, this pattern is removed before displaying these bits. Every other bit is zero because the pilot and midamble codes have no imaginary part.

When Show Raw QPSK Symbols is selected, this repeating pattern is not backed out. The bits correspond to the constellation shown in the Composite Meas Time or Composite Ref Time display.

See Also

Advanced Tab (TD-SCDMA Demod Properties)

TD-SCDMA Demod Properties Dialog Box