Code Channel (TD-SCDMA)

Default: 0 (See TD-SCDMA Standard Setups/Presets Table.) 

Range: 0 to "Spread Code Length – 1"

Code Channel sets the Despread Channel Code Channel. The Despread Channel Code Channel is used, along with the Despread Channel Spread Code Length, to specify the active code channel and layer used for the channel trace data measurement results (including: Chan Error Vector, Chan IQ Meas Time, Chan IQ Ref Time, Chan Mag Error, Chan Phase Error, and Chan Syms/Errs trace data results).

Use the Copy Mkr To Despread Channel marker feature to automatically specify the Spread Code Length and Code Channel setting.

See Also

Channel/Layer Tab (TD-SCDMA Demod Properties)

TD-SCDMA Demod Properties Dialog Box