Timing Err (TD-SCDMA) 

Timing Err (Timing Error) shows the difference in time (in chips) between the measured and ideal start times for the indicated timeslot relative to the specified Time Reference.

Specify either the DwPTS (DownIink Pilot), UpPTS (Uplink Pilot) or Trigger Point as the time reference using the TD-SCDMA demodulation properties Time Reference parameter (MeasSetup > TD-SCDMA Demod Properties > Time tab > Time Reference parameter drop down list):

Time Reference 


DwPTS (DownIink Pilot):

Timing Error is relative to the start of the DwPTS timeslot

UpPTS (Uplink Pilot):

Timing Error is relative to the start of the UpPTS timeslot

Trigger Point:

Timing Error is relative to the Trigger Event, including trigger delay, taken to be the start of a sub-frame.

The Timing Error is 0 for the specified Time Reference i.e. if DwPTS is selected as the time reference, then its timing error is 0 chips.

See Also

Time Reference parameter - TD-SCDMA Demod Properties

Available Overall Error Summary Data

Overall Error Summary Data