Time Reference (TD-SCDMA)

Default: DwPTS (See TD-SCDMA Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Time Reference specifies the time reference used to compute the Overall Error Summary - Timing Error data results (see Overall Timing Error):

DwPTS (Downlink Pilot:

Overall Timing Error uses the Downlink Pilot Timeslot as the time reference

UpPTS (Uplink Pilot):

Overall Timing Error uses the Uplink Pilot Timeslot as the time reference

Trigger Point:

Overall Timing Error uses a trigger event as the time reference. The Trigger Point is taken to be the start of a sub-frame.

When making triggered measurements, the demodulation algorithm requires some amount of data prior to the beginning of the desired sub-frame, in order for demodulation to begin on that sub-frame. This is handled internally but if there are delay differences between the sub-frame boundary in the incoming signal and the trigger then the Trigger Delay may need to be adjusted in order to supply enough data before the beginning of the sub-frame. For instance, if an external trigger occurs 20 us after the beginning of the desired sub-frame then Trigger Delay would need to be set to -20 us.

See Also

Result Length, Start Boundary and Analysis Parameters

Time Tab (TD-SCDMA Demod Properties)

TD-SCDMA Demod Properties Dialog Box