Spread Code Length (W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA)

Default: 256 (15 ksym/s) (See W-CDMA(3GPP) Standard Setups/Presets Table.)

Range: Downlink: 4 to 512
           Uplink: 2 to 256 (See Chip Rate, Symbol Rate and Code Channel Table.)

Spread Code Length specifies the Despread Channel for analysis. Spread Code Length is also known as the Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF). The Spread Code Length is used along with the Code Channel to specify the channel used for the Despread Channel Trace Data.

The text box shows both the Spread Code Length and the corresponding symbol rate.

Setting the Despread Channel Spread Code Length

The drop-down list provides a list of available W-CDMA (3GPP) compliant spread code lengths that can be selected. To set the Spread Code Length, click the text box down arrow, then click the desired Spread Code Length.

Use the Copy Mkr To Despread Channel marker feature to automatically enter the Despread Channel Spread Code Length, Code Channel, and IQ Branch settings.

Chip Rate, Symbol Rates, and Spread Code Lengths

The chip rate determines the symbol rate for each Spread Code Length. See Chip Rate, Symbol Rate, and Spread Code Table for more information.

See Also

Despread Channel Trace Data

Using a Standard Setup

Channel/Layer tab - W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA Demod Properties

W-CDMA(3GPP)/HSPA Demod Properties