Available Overall Error Summary Data (1xEV-DO)

This data is only available for forward link measurements.

Overall 1 and Overall 2 summary measurement data:

Overall 1/2 Rho

Overall 1/2 EVM (Error Vector Magnitude)

Overall 1/2 Mag Err (Magnitude Error)

Overall 1/2 Phase Err (Phase Error)

Overall 1/2 Freq Err (Frequency Error)

Overall 1/2 IQ Offset

Using ADS software

For information about using error summary data with ADS (EEsof Advanced Design System), see Demod Errors and ADS.

Additional Error Summary Data

1xEV-DO Demodulation also provides these additional Error Summary data tables:

Querying summary table data results programmatically

To programmatically query the Trace Summary Table data results using the Summary() and SummaryUnit() methods in the MeasurementData object.

See the How To Query Summary Table Data Results topic for more information.

See Also

About Overall trace data

About Trace Data (1xEV-DO)