Edit Cable Files

Cable files are used in the FieldFox to compensate DTF measurements for the loss characteristics of cables that should not be included in the measurement. These cable files can be edited in Data Link and saved to the FieldFox instrument. When a factory-defined Cable file is edited and saved, it will NOT be overwritten when FieldFox firmware is updated.

In this topic:

Open a Cable file that is on the FieldFox

  1. Right-click on the instrument, then Show Files.

  1. Open the Cables folder.

  2. Double-click on a *.xml cable file to open the file in the Cable Loss Editor. Learn more about the Cable Loss Editor.

  3. When finished editing, click OK. The cable file is saved to the FieldFox.

Create a NEW Cable file from an existing file

  1. Send a "starter" cable file to the PC. Learn how.

  2. On the PC, in Window Explorer, navigate to the cable file.  See location on the PC.

  3. Make a copy of the file and change the filename.

  4. In Data Link, click File, then Open.

  5. Edit your cable, then click OK.

  6. Send the new cable file to the FieldFox. Learn how. The file is automatically sent to the 'cables' directory on the FieldFox and appears in the list of cable files.

Cable Loss Editor dialog

Use one of the procedures above to open a cable file in the Edit Cable dialog.

Cable Model Name  Enter the name of the cable as it will appear in the alphabetical list of cable files in the FieldFox.

Description  Enter a short descriptive name of the cable.

Enter the Propagation Velocity


Enter the Velocity Factor.

Data Table

  • Double-click in a cell to enter data.

  • Enter the start frequency at which the associated Factor value is used.

  • Enter attenuation as negative values; gain as positive values.

  • Sort  Arranges the table from High frequency to Low frequency.

  • To ADD a row, enter data in the last row. A new row is created automatically.

Delete Row - Removes the current row from the table.

Save as CSV - Saves the current Cable file to a *.CSV file. This file type can be opened with spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.

Saving the edited Cable file

When finished editing, click OK.

  • If the cable file was opened from the Show Files list, then the cable file is saved to the FieldFox instrument when OK is pressed.

  • If the cable file was opened from the PC (using File, Open), then the cable file is saved to the same path and file name on the PC when OK is pressed.

  • To save a Cable file that is on the PC to the FieldFox, use the Send to Instrument procedure.


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