Setup LAN Instrument

This procedure establishes a connection with a FieldFox instrument that is connected to a network using a LAN cable.

  1. In the left 'instrument view' pane, right-click on LAN Instruments.  VISA Instruments may be visible if you already have a VISA connection established using Keysight IO Libraries with the obsolete version of Data Link.

  2. Select Add instrument.

  1. In the Edit LAN dialog, enter the IP address or Hostname of the FieldFox to be connected to.

    1. To find the IP address or Hostname, on the FieldFox, press System (7), then System Configuration, then More, then LAN.  

    2. The connection using a Hostname depends on your server configuration. If Hostname fails, use the IP address.

  2. Optionally enter a Friendly Name to help you identify it in Data Link.

  3. Check Perform *IDN? query to determine if your instrument is currently connected. The model # and serial #  of the FieldFox will appear in instrument view under LAN Instruments. This indicates that communication with the FieldFox has been established.

    1. If you perform an *IDN query with the FieldFox connected and an error is returned, check the IP Address or your LAN connection.

  4. Right-click on the instrument name that now appears under LAN Instruments to view the following items:

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