Calibration Examples

The following examples show how to perform various calibrations in CAT and NA modes.

About Calibration Settings

A calibration session that is performed using the front-panel is completely separate from a calibration session that is performed programmatically.

Therefore, calibration settings that are made remotely (such as setting the cal kit and connectors) can NOT be observed from the front-panel user interface. Alternatively, calibration settings are that are made from the FieldFox front panel (user interface) can NOT be queried programmatically.

Guided Cal

Mechanical Cals



Note: To Cal a VVM mode measurement, perform a Cal in CAT or NA mode, then switch to VVM mode.

See Also

CAT Mode Commands

NA Mode Commands

See All Programming Examples

Note:  In the following examples:

"-p" indicates a user prompt.

"#"  indicates a comment

Examples can be copied into a text editor, saved as a *.txt file, and run using the free Keysight Instrument Console program. Learn more.

1- Port OSL Cal on port 1

To perform a 1-port cal on port 2, replace all the ‘1’ arguments with ‘2’.

# Select a Type N male, 50 ohm connector

# as the DUT connector to be attached to port 1.

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following command.

# Some editors will change the character.

CORR:COLL:CONN 1, "Type N -M-,50"

# select the calkit to use.


# Select 1-port cal (SOLT1) on port 1


-p attach load to port 1


-p attach short to port 1


-p attach open to port 1


# Finish and apply the cal


2-Port SOLR Cal

# Setup 2-port SOLR Unknown Thru Cal between ports 1 and 2*

# Use the Type N male T kit on both ports

# Cal with either insertable or non-insertable connectors

# Do NOT use on N9912A

corr:coll:ckit:lab 1, "1250-3607"

corr:coll:ckit:lab 2, "1250-3607"

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following command.

# Some editors will change the character.

corr:coll:conn 1,"Type N -M-,50"

corr:coll:conn 2,"Type N -M-,50"


-p Attach load to port 1

corr:coll:load 1;*OPC?

-p Attach short to port 1

corr:coll:shor 1;*OPC?

-p Attach open to port 1

corr:coll:open 1;*OPC?

-p Attach load to port 2

corr:coll:load 2;*OPC?

-p Attach short to port 2

corr:coll:shor 2;*OPC?

-p Attach open to port 2

corr:coll:open 2;*OPC?

-p Attach thru between ports 1 and 2

corr:coll:thru 1,2;*OPC?

corr:coll:save 0


2-Port QSOLT

# Setup 2-port QSOLT between port 1 and 2 using the T kit on port 1*

# OSL standards measured on port 2 - not available from the GUI

# For insertable DUTs ONLY

# Do NOT use on N9912A

corr:coll:ckit:lab 1, "1250-3607"

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following command.

# Some editors will change the character.

corr:coll:conn 1,"Type N -M-,50"

corr:coll:conn 2,"Type N -F-,50"

corr:coll:meth:QSOL 1,2

-p Attach load to port 1

corr:coll:load 1;*OPC?

-p Attach short to port 1

corr:coll:shor 1;*OPC?

-p Attach open to port 1

corr:coll:open 1;*OPC?

-p Attach thru between ports 1 and 2

corr:coll:thru 1,2;*OPC?

corr:coll:save 0

2-Port Enhanced Response

# Enhanced Response requires an insertable DUT

# N9923A, calibrate measurements in either forward or reverse direction.

# N9912A, calibrate measurements in forward direction ONLY.

# This example is forward direction

# Choose the 85052D kit for port 1 and also port 2

corr:coll:ckit:lab 1, "85052D"

corr:coll:ckit:lab 2, "85052D"

# Choose connectors for port 1 and then port 2

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following command.

# Some editors will change the character.

corr:coll:conn 1,"3.5 mm -M-,50"

corr:coll:conn 2,"3.5 mm -F-,50"

# Choose Enhanced Response forward

# For reverse measurement, use <2,1> and measure stds on port 2

corr:coll:meth:ERES 1,2

# Start measuring standards:

-p Attach short to port 1

corr:coll:shor 1;*OPC?

-p Attach open to port 1

corr:coll:open 1;*OPC?

-p Attach load to port 1

corr:coll:load 1;*OPC?

-p Connect ports 1 and 2 with Flush Thru

corr:coll:thru 1,2;*OPC?

#  Saves the finished calibration

corr:coll:save 0

THRU Response - Normalization

# Correct transmission measurements

# N9912A must have Opt 110


-p Attach thru now


# Finish and apply the cal



1-Port QuickCal


# First step required to measure internal standards

# Port 1 must be left open


-p (Optional) Attach load to port



2-Port Non-Insertable QuickCal*

# Setup full 2-port cal between port 1 and 2 using QuickCal.

# For a non-insertable DUT (both Type N -M-)- performs SOLR

# Measure INT OPEN, SHORT on BOTH ports

# The load measurement steps are optional.

# Do NOT use on N9912A

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following commands.

# Some editors will change the character.

corr:coll:conn 1,"Type N -M-,50"

corr:coll:conn 2,"Type N -M-,50"

corr:coll:meth:QCAL:CAL 1,2

-p Leave port 1 and port 2 open (no connection)

corr:coll:int 1;*OPC?

corr:coll:int 2;*OPC?

-p Attach a load to port 1

corr:coll:load 1;*OPC?

-p Attach a load to port 2

corr:coll:load 2;*OPC?

-p Connect ports 1 and 2 using any adapter/thru

corr:coll:thru 1,2;*OPC?

corr:coll:save 0


2-Port Insertable QuickCal*

# Setup full 2-port QuickCal between port 1 and 2

# For an Insertable DUT - performs QSOLT cal

# Measure INT OPEN, SHORT on ONLY one port

# Best to measure INT OPEN, SHORT on port without jumper cable

# The load measurement steps are optional.

# Do NOT use on N9912A

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following command.

# Some editors will change the character.

corr:coll:conn 1,"Type N -M-,50"

corr:coll:conn 2,"Type N -F-,50"

corr:coll:meth:QCAL:CAL 1,2

-p Leave port 1 and port 2 open (no connection)

corr:coll:int 1;*OPC?

-p Attach a load to port 1

corr:coll:load 1;*OPC?

-p Attach a load to port 2

corr:coll:load 2;*OPC?

-p Connect ports 1 and 2 using any adapter/thru

corr:coll:thru 1,2;*OPC?

corr:coll:save 0


Enhanced Response QuickCal

# Enhanced Response requires an Insertable DUT

# N9923A, calibrate measurements in either forward or reverse direction.

# N9912A, calibrate measurements in forward direction ONLY.

# This example is forward direction

# For reverse measurement, use <2,1> and measure stds on port 2

# Choose connectors for port 1 and then port 2

# Be careful with the dashes in -M- for the following command.

# Some editors will change the character.

corr:coll:conn 1,"3.5 mm -M-,50"

corr:coll:conn 2,"3.5 mm -F-,50"


# Step 1 - Ports 1 and 2 must be left open

-p Leave ports 1 and 2 OPEN


# Step 2 - (Optional)

-p Attach load to port 1


# Step 3 - Connect ports

-p connect port 1 and port 2