[:SENSe]:SEMask:REFChannel:CENTer  <num>

(Read-Write) Set and query a SEM Center Frequency control is related to the Reference Channel Carrier Frequency.

The Carrier Frequency (Ref Channel Center) by default tracks the specified Center Frequency. But, the Reference Channel Center can be forced to “Hold” at a particular location which would then enables you to pan above or below center frequency for reasons similar to zooming with span.

Note: Those two SCPIs enable flexibility in examining parts of a SEM measurement, but are typically de-activated to make a proper final measurement. A proper final SEM measurement would have the Center Frequency located exactly at Carrier Center, and the Span matching exactly what is necessary to cover all active offsets. This is achieved in one step by simply turning SEM Auto Span to ON ([:SENSe]:SEMask:OASPan).

See also [:SENSe]:SEMask:OASPan and [:SENSe]:SEMask:REFChannel:CENTer:AUTO.

Relevant Modes





Choose from:

Dynamic dependent on the instrument model and options.

This SCPI accepts MINimum and MAXimum values.


SEM:REFC:CENT 15 GHz 'Sets the Carrier Center to 15 GHz.

SEM:REFC:CENT MAX 'Sets the Carrier Center to the maximum value the FieldFox can be set to for the current model and options.

Query Syntax


Return Type



Dynamic dependent on the instrument model and options.

Last Modified:


New command