Reference Plane Adjustment

Adapters, fixtures, or probes that are used to measure your DUT introduce errors such as additional loss, phase shift (skew), and mismatch (impedance discontinuities). Once you have made your measurements, you often need to remove the effects of these devices.


If you have a 7xP N-port License, you can use the following Reference Plane Adjustment features:


Beginning with PLTS 2018, 64 ports are supported.

To perform a Reference Plane Adjustment

  1. Activate (select) the plot to be adjusted.

  2. Click Utilities then Reference Plane Adjustment

This dialog box allows you to manipulate the measured data in a variety of ways to remove these effects from the data. The manipulation of the measurement data is done mathematically and may be saved for future use.

You can apply the following adjustments to each of the four ports individually.

1. Choose the Adjustment Method

Adapters, test fixtures, or other non-DUT structures introduce unwanted effects and error into measurement results. These unwanted effects typically include additional loss, phase shift, mismatch, discontinuities, and time delay. De-embedding is the process of mathematically removing previously characterized performance of the non-DUT structure from the measurement in post-processing.

Note: De-embedding is a powerful utility, but requires advanced S-parameter characterization of the non-DUT structure through measurement or modeling. While measuring the structure can provide the most accurate characterization, it may be difficult or impossible to perform the measurement due to connectivity issues. In these cases, S-parameter models may offer the best alternative.

2. Set the associated options.

Each adjustment has its own options that are displayed when the adjustment is select from the list.

3. Assign the Chosen Adjustment Method to the Ports

With an adjustment method chosen and the options selected or specified, click the port's assignment button ( ) to assign the adjustment.

Remove an adjustment method from a port by selecting the adjustment method name in the port's adjustment list box and then clicking the removal button

Click Clear to remove all of the adjustment methods from all ports. It also clears the reverse orientation check box settings. However, the Clear button will not remove any adjustments that are currently applied to the active .dut file.

CAUTION  Port 2 and Port 3 change their position in the Assign Method area depending on the calibration type of associated plot window. Make sure you assign the adjustment to the appropriate port.


Repeat step 3 until the adjustment method is assigned all of the appropriate ports.

If the adjustment method is either 2-port or 4-port de-embedding, you may also select the Reverse de-embed orientation on selection for the appropriate ports.

If you wish to add more adjustments to the ports, repeat the process.


Click Apply  to apply the adjustments to the active data window. The data displayed on the views will then be updated.

Note: Before clicking Apply, make sure the .dut file that you want the adjustments applied to is the active plot window.

When the De-embedding indicator on status bar is highlighted, it means that the current data has been modified with the de-embedding information shown in the ports listed with de-embedding. When the Port Rotation indicator on status bar is highlighted, it means that the current data has been modified because at least one port has been rotated.

The state of the adjustments are maintained in the .dut file which means that when the .dut file is loaded again (after saving the adjusted .dut), the appropriate status bar indicators on the status bar will be highlighted, and the dialog box will open with the list boxes and reverse orientation check boxes initialized appropriately.

After the adjustments are applied, the Apply button is disabled, and the Remove button is enabled. The list box entries are not cleared.


Click Remove to remove the current adjustments from the active plot window.

Note: Before clicking Remove, make sure the .dut file that you want the adjustments applied to is the active plot window.

This resets the active plot window to display the original corrected measurement data. The port adjustment list boxes are not cleared. If the De-embedding or Port Rotation status bar indicators were highlighted, they are now dimmed.

Click Close  to close the Reference Plane Adjustment dialog box.