Note: Beginning with PLTS 2021, Batched Reference Plane Adjustment has increased speed using multithreading.
These TWO dialogs allow you to adjust the reference plane for up to 64 ports. Adapters, fixtures, or probes that are used to measure your DUT introduce errors such as additional loss, phase shift, and mismatch. After measurements are performed, these unwanted effects can be removed mathematically using the Reference Plane Adjustment features.
The Batched Reference Plane Adjustment dialog allows adjustments to multiple files at the same time.
The standard N-Port Reference Plane Adjustment dialog allows adjustments to only the active file. Adjustments are saved to the *.DUT file using File, Save As.
These features are available only with a 7xP N-port License
Without the license, use the 2-port and 4-port reference plane adjustment dialog.
Apply de-embedding, port rotation, and port impedance to several files at the same time.
Click Utilities, then Batched Reference Plane Adjustment
Batched Reference Plane Adjustment dialog |
Refer to the standard N-Port Reference Plane Adjustment dialog description below for the steps not covered here. 1. Select Files for Adjustment Click Add then navigate to select files on which a reference plane adjustment is to be performed. Click Remove to delete a file that has already been added. Any number of files can be added. 5. Output File Type - Select the output file type from the drop down menu. See table below. 6. Output File Data Format - Select the output file data format based on the output file type selection. See table below.
7. Select Data - Select single-ended or differential output. 8. Output Directory - Click Browse, then navigate to a directory to which the new 'adjusted' file will be saved. Change the default directory using the User Preference File Storage Location feature. Same directory as input files - Check to save files to the input file director. Note: If all port impedances are the same, after transform the system Z0 will be set to the port impedance.
Click Utilities, then N-port Reference Plane Adjustment
N-Port Reference Plane Adjustment dialog |
Select Adjustment MethodDe-embedding / Embedding
The device must be already characterized and stored in an *.sNp file, *.cit file, or *.DUT file. While measuring the device provides the most accurate characterization, it may be difficult or impossible to perform the measurement due to connectivity issues. In these cases, S-parameter models may offer the best alternative. See also PLTS Adapter Characterization tool. When using the De-embed / Embed feature, you must know the orientation of the ports as the device was characterized. Note: Beginning with PLTS2016, 3-port DUT configurations are supported. These are devices that convert a single-ended input to a differential output. Reverse De-embed / Embed File Reverses, or 'mirrors' the device port numbers as they are applied to the DUT port. The following image shows a characterized 2-port device on the input and output of a 2-port DUT. The 2-port file on the output is 'Reversed'.
Port Rotation / ExtensionAllows you to move the calibrated reference plane from the end of the test cable toward the DUT to eliminate the effects of phase shift introduced by the addition of adapters, fixtures, and probes. Port rotation does not correct for additional loss and mismatch introduced by these items.
Port Reference ImpedanceBy default, all ports are set to 50 ohms impedance. This adjustment mathematically transforms the measured data to show the performance of the DUT in the specified impedance.
Diff/Com Port Reference ImpedanceThe differential and common mode impedances are de-coupled and can be changed independent of the single-ended impedance. Typically, differential and common mode parameters are computed based on the single-ended S-parameters. However, when the Diff/Com Port Reference Impedance setting is selected, the single-ended S-parameters will be computed based on the mixed mode parameters. The following is an example showing how to set up, save, and import mixed mode parameters.
Apply Applies the adjustments to the active plot window. The data displayed on the views will then be updated. Close Closes the dialog box.
Click File, then Save to save the adjustments to the *.DUT file. When the *.DUT file is loaded again, the appropriate status bar indicators on the status bar will be highlighted, and the dialog box will open with the list boxes and reverse orientation check boxes initialized appropriately.
The De-embedding indicator on status bar shows when the listed ports have de-embedded data. The Port Rotation indicator on status bar is shows that at least one port has been rotated. |