Dynamic Uncertainty

This example does the following in separate subprograms:

The cable repeatability and noise characterizations can be performed once, and then they are good for possibly months. 

However, the uncertainty calibrations should be performed just as often as traditional non-uncertainty measurement calibrations.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as *.vbs.

See Also

Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Dynamic Uncertainty commands

Learn about Dynamic Uncertainty (Option 015)

See Other Example Programs

Dim app

' Create / Get the PNA application.

Set pna = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

'Preset the analyzer









MsgBox "The example program has now completed"


' Setup Uncertainty Workspace

Sub SetupWorkspace

Set cables = pna.UncertaintyManager.Cables

Dim strCableCatalog

For i = 1 To cables.Count

    strCableCatalog = strCableCatalog & cables(i).Name

    If i < cables.Count Then strCableCatalog = strCableCatalog & Chr(10)

   ' Uncomment the following line to reset (clear) repeatability data for the cable



MsgBox "Cables:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strCableCatalog

Set ports = pna.UncertaintyManager.Ports

Dim strPortCatalog

For i = 1 To ports.Count

    strPortCatalog = strPortCatalog & "Port " & ports(i).Number & ": " & ports(i).Cable

    If i < ports.Count Then strPortCatalog = strPortCatalog & Chr(10)

   ' Uncomment the following line to reset (clear) noise data for the port



MsgBox "Port Cables:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & strPortCatalog

' Uncomment the following line to select the particular cable for all ports

'ports.SelectCableForAllPorts cables(1).Name

' Uncomment this next line to copy the noise data for Port 1 to be used for all ports

'ports.CopyNoiseToAllPorts 1

' Uncomment the following line to reset (clear) the noise data for all ports


' The next lines toggle uncertainty manager properties on

pna.UncertaintyManager.PortNoiseEnabled = True

MsgBox "Noise enabled for cals = " & pna.UncertaintyManager.PortNoiseEnabled

pna.UncertaintyManager.CableRepeatabilityEnabled = True

MsgBox "Cable repeatability enabled for cals = " & pna.UncertaintyManager.CableRepeatabilityEnabled

pna.UncertaintyManager.StandardDefinitionsEnabled = True

MsgBox "Standards definition uncertainties enabled for cals = " & pna.UncertaintyManager.StandardDefinitionsEnabled

' Uncomment the following line to change the max number of uncertainty points for cals to be 500

'pna.UncertaintyManager.MaximumUncertaintyPoints = 500

MsgBox "Max number of uncertainty points for cals = " & pna.UncertaintyManager.MaximumUncertaintyPoints

' Uncomment the following line to perform a Save of the currently loaded uncertainty workspace ('.ml4') file


' Uncomment the following line to save the currently loaded uncertainty workspace to a specific ('.ml4') filename

'pna.UncertaintyManager.Save "myUncertaintyWorkspace.ml4"

' Uncomment the following line to recall the uncertainty workspace ('.ml4') file that we just saved

'pna.UncertaintyManager.Recall "myUncertaintyWorkspace.ml4"

End Sub


' Measure the steps of a cable characterization,

' noise characterization, or a calibration.

Sub MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal(objCharOrCal, isNoiseCharacterization, numSteps)

For i = 1 To numSteps

    step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(numSteps)

    ' A "connection adjustment" means the user has to change something about the connection,

    ' such as wiggling cable and re-connecting standard during a repeatability characterization,

    ' or to move the slide position of a sliding load if a connection step in a calibration

    ' were to involve a sliding load.

    If isNoiseCharacterization = False Then

        numConnectionAdjustmentsPerStep = objCharOrCal.MinimumIterationsForStep(i)

    Else ' noise characterization

        ' in this case, "iterations" are just repetitive measurements, not re-adjust/re-measure the standard

        numConnectionAdjustmentsPerStep = 1

    End If

    For j = 1 To numConnectionAdjustmentsPerStep

        strPrompt = objCharOrCal.GetStepDescription(i)

        retVal = MsgBox(strPrompt, vbOKCancel, step)

        If retVal = vbCancel Then WScript.Quit

        objCharOrCal.AcquireStep i




End Sub

Function FormatList(tokens)

   For i = 0 To UBound(tokens)

     list = list & tokens(i) & Chr(10)


   FormatList = list

End Function


' Performing a NON-UNCERTAINTY Guided 2-port cal (Ports 1 and 2)

Sub TwoPortGuidedCal

message = "A non-uncertainty 2-port calibration will now be performed, "

message = message & "because a calibration is needed for characterizing the cables"

MsgBox message

' Create / Get the PNA application.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Set calMgr = app.GetCalManager

Set guidedCal = calMgr.GuidedCalibration

Set chan = app.ActiveChannel

chanNum = chan.ChannelNumber

' Initialize guided cal to be performed on the active channel.

' The boolean argument of True indicates to create a new calset

' for storing the new calibration to.

guidedCal.Initialize chanNum, True

' Query the connectors that the PNA system recognizes

conns = guidedCal.ValidConnectorTypes

' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring

connList = FormatList(conns)

' Select the connector for Port 1

selectedConn1 = InputBox("Enter your DUT connector for Port 1.  Choose from this list:" & _

                        Chr(10) & Chr(10) & connList)

If selectedConn1 = "" Then Exit Sub

guidedCal.ConnectorType(1) = selectedConn1

' Select the connector for Port 2

selectedConn2 = InputBox("Enter your DUT connector for Port 2.  Again, choose from this list:" & _

                        Chr(10) & Chr(10) & connList)

If selectedConn2 = "" Then Exit Sub

guidedCal.ConnectorType(2) = selectedConn2

' Note: If your PNA has more than 2 ports, you would need to uncomment

' one or both of these next two lines, to explicitly specify this is

' just a 2-port cal.

'guidedCal.ConnectorType(3) = "Not used"

'guidedCal.ConnectorType(4) = "Not used"

' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations for Port 1.

kits = guidedCal.GetCompatibleCalKits(selectedConn1)

' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring

kitList = FormatList(kits)

' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for Port 1.

selectedKit = InputBox("Enter your cal kit or ECal module characterization for Port 1.  " & _

                       "Choose from this list:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList)

If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub

guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = selectedKit

' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations for Port 2.

kits = guidedCal.GetCompatibleCalKits(selectedConn2)

' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring

kitList = FormatList(kits)

' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for Port 2.

selectedKit = InputBox("Enter your cal kit or ECal module characterization for Port 2.  " & _

                       "Choose from this list:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList)

If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub

guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = selectedKit

' This determines whether the cal will be a "Guided Power Cal"

' or just a traditional S-parameter cal.

message = "On which port number shall power be measured?  "

message = message & "For a traditional guided cal without power cal, enter 0"

Dim powerPort

powerPort = CInt( InputBox(message) )

If powerPort > 0 Then

   guidedCal.PerformPowerCalibration(powerPort) = True

   Dim retVal

   retVal = MsgBox("Is the power sensor's connector type or gender different from the DUT connector for that port?", vbYesNo)

   If retVal = vbYes Then

      message = "Enter your power sensor's connector.  Choose from this list:"

      message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & connList

      ' Select the sensor's connector.

      selectedConn1 = InputBox(message)

      If selectedConn1 = "" Then Exit Sub

      guidedCal.PowerSensorConnectorType(powerPort) = selectedConn1

      ' Query the list of acceptable cal kits and ECal module characterizations

      ' that are applicable for the sensor's connector.

      kits = guidedCal.GetCompatibleCalKits(selectedConn1)

      ' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring

      kitList = FormatList(kits)

      message = "Enter your cal kit or ECal module characterization to use for de-embed of the sensor's connector.  "

      message = message & "Choose from this list:"

      message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList

      ' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module characterization to use for de-embed of the sensor's connector.

      selectedKit = InputBox(message)

      If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub

      guidedCal.PowerSensorCalkitType(powerPort) = selectedKit


      guidedCal.PowerSensorConnectorType(powerPort) = "Ignored"

   End If ' End of block that considers the sensor's connector

   ' Ask for the power level to perform the power cal at

   ' (if this command is omitted, the default is 0 dBm).

   Dim powerLevel

   powerLevel = InputBox("Enter the power level for the power cal to be performed at")

   If powerLevel = "" Then Exit Sub

   guidedCal.PowerCalibrationPowerLevel(powerPort) = CDbl(powerLevel)


   guidedCal.PerformPowerCalibration(1) = False

End If ' End of block that considers if the cal will include power calibration


' This next block of commented-out code shows optional functions when using ECal.

' These OrientECALModule and ECALPortMapEx properties would need to be set prior to  

' calling GenerateSteps on the guidedCal object.

' Read the information about the Keysight factory characterization data

' of ECal module #1 on the USB bus

'Set calibrator = chan.Calibrator

'Const ECalModule1 = 1

'module1Info = calibrator.GetECALModuleInfoEx(ECalModule1)

'MsgBox "Description of ECal module #1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & module1Info

' By default, during calibration the PNA automatically determines the orientation of

' the ECal module (senses which port of the module is connected to which port of the PNA).

' However, since this setting could have recently been overridden by another user of

' the instrument, use this next line to ensure the auto orientation setting is enabled.

'calibrator.OrientECALModule = True

' Alternatively, if you are measuring at very low power levels where

' the PNA fails to sense the module's orientation, you may need to turn off the auto

' orientation and specify how the module is connected (as in these next two lines of code,

' "A1,B2" would indicate Port A of the module is connected to Port 1 and

' Port B is connected to Port 2).

'calibrator.OrientECALModule = False

'calibrator.ECALPortMapEx(ECalModule1) = "A1,B2"

' End of optional ECal setup


' Select the thru method of Default.  This instructs the PNA to determine which thru

' standard measurement technique to use, based upon the selected connectors and

' calibration kit(s) and what model of PNA this is.

guidedCal.ThruCalMethod = 0 ' 0 = naDefaultCalMethod

' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps

numCalSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps

MsgBox "Number of steps is " + CStr(numCalSteps)

 ' Measure the standards

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal guidedCal, False, numCalSteps

MsgBox "The cal needed for the cable repeatability characterizations is done"

End Sub



' Perform Cable Characterization

Sub PerformCableChar

pna.ActiveMeasurement.ErrorCorrection = True

Set uncchar = pna.UncertaintyManager.Characterizer

' Initiate repeatability characterizations on Channel 1 for Ports 1 and 2, with 3

' iterative measurements of each standard (normally users should specify more than 3

' iterations per standard but it just makes this example speedier)

numCharSteps = uncchar.InitiateCableCharacterization(1, 1, 3)

message = "Now to characterize the cable currently associated with port 1.  "

message = message & "Number of standard steps for characterizing port 1 cable = " & numCharSteps

MsgBox message  

' Get guided cal object for Channel 1 to use for performing the characterization

Set guidedcal = uncchar.GuidedCalibration(1)

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal guidedcal, False, numCharSteps

MsgBox "Cable characterization for port 1 is done"

numCharSteps = uncchar.InitiateCableCharacterization(1, 2, 3)

message = "Now to characterize the cable currently associated with port 2.  "

message = message & "Number of standard steps for characterizing port 2 cable = " & numCharSteps

MsgBox message  

Set guidedcal = uncchar.GuidedCalibration(1)

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal guidedcal, False, numCharSteps

MsgBox "Cable characterization for port 2 is done"

End Sub


'Perform Noise Characterization

Sub PerformNoiseChar

pna.ActiveMeasurement.ErrorCorrection = True

Set uncchar = pna.UncertaintyManager.Characterizer

' Initiate noise characterization on Channel 1 for Ports 1 and 2, with 3 iterative

' measurements of each standard (normally users should specify more than 3 iterations

' per standard but it just makes this example speedier)

numCharSteps = uncchar.InitiateNoiseCharacterization(1, 1, 2, 3)

message = "Now to characterize the system noise for ports 1 and 2.  "

message = message & "Number of connection steps to be made = " & numCharSteps

MsgBox message

' Get guided cal object for Channel 1 to use for performing the characterization

Set guidedcal = uncchar.GuidedCalibration(1)

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal guidedcal, True, numCharSteps

MsgBox "Noise characterization is done"

End Sub



'Perform 2-port Uncertainty Calibration (Ports 1 and 2) on Channel 1

Sub TwoPortUncertCal

' Note: normally to use the Application's ActiveChannel property for this,

' you would have to ensure your active channel is an S-parameter channel

' before this point, but as the PerformCableChar and PerformNoiseChar

' subroutines have executed right before this one, that is already ensured.

' Create / Get the PNA application.

Set calMgr = app.GetCalManager

Set guidedCal = calMgr.GuidedCalibration

Set chan = app.ActiveChannel

chanNum = chan.ChannelNumber

' Initialize guided cal to be performed on the active channel.

' The boolean argument of True indicates to create a new calset

' for storing the new calibration to.

guidedCal.Initialize chanNum, True

' Specify this calibration is to be performed with uncertainties.

guidedCal.UncertaintyEnabled = True

' Query the list of uncertainty cal kits and ECal module factory characterizations

' applicable for the connector of the cable associated with Port 1.

kits = guidedCal.CompatibleCalKits(1)

' Format the list string with linefeed characters between each substring

kitList = FormatList(kits)

' Select the Cal Kit or ECal module to use for both ports.

' If the selected kit does not have a suitable set of standards

' that can mate the connector of the cable attached to Port 2,

' then the attempt to GenerateSteps should yield an applicable error message.

message = "Now to perform an uncertainty calibration for ports 1 and 2.  "

message = message & "Enter your cal kit or ECal module to use.  Choose from this list:"

message = message & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & kitList

selectedKit = InputBox(message)

If selectedKit = "" Then Exit Sub

guidedCal.CalKitType(1) = selectedKit

guidedCal.CalKitType(2) = selectedKit

' Note: If your PNA has more than 2 ports, then should uncomment

' one or both of these next two lines just in case this channel

' may have had a remote non-Dolcetto cal performed prior that

' involved port 3 and/or 4.

'guidedCal.CalKitType(3) = ""

'guidedCal.CalKitType(4) = ""

' This next block of commented-out code shows optional functions when using ECal.

' These OrientECALModule and ECALPortMapEx properties would need to be set prior

' to calling GenerateSteps on the guidedCal object.


' Read the information about the factory characterization data

' of ECal module #1 on the USB bus

'Set calibrator = chan.Calibrator

'Const ECalModule1 = 1

'module1Info = calibrator.GetECALModuleInfoEx(ECalModule1)

'MsgBox "Description of ECal module #1:" & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & module1Info

' By default, during calibration the PNA automatically determines the orientation

' of the ECal module (senses which port of the module is connected to which port of

' the PNA).  However, since this setting could have recently been overridden by

' another user of the instrument, use this next line to ensure the auto orientation

' setting is enabled.

'calibrator.OrientECALModule = True

' Alternatively, if you are measuring at very low power levels where

' the PNA fails to sense the module's orientation, you may need to turn off the auto

' orientation and specify how the module is connected (as in these next two lines

' of code, "A1,B2" would indicate Port A of the module is connected to Port 1 and

' Port B is connected to Port 2).

'calibrator.OrientECALModule = False

'calibrator.ECALPortMapEx(ECalModule1) = "A1,B2"


' End of optional ECal setup

' Initiate the calibration and query the number of steps

numCalSteps = guidedCal.GenerateSteps

MsgBox "Number of cal steps is " + CStr(numCalSteps)

MeasureStepsOfCharacterizationOrCal guidedCal, False, numCalSteps

MsgBox "Cal is done"

End Sub


'Make Uncertainty Trace Settings

Sub MakeTraceSettings

' Note: normally to use the Application's ActiveMeasurement property for this,

' you would have to first ensure your active measurement is an S-parameter channel

' measurement before this point, and that the channel has an uncertainty cal to be

' able to turn on uncertainty display, but as the TwoPortUncertCal subroutine has

' executed right before this one, that is already ensured.

Set unc = pna.ActiveMeasurement.Uncertainty

MsgBox "DisplayType = " & GetUncDispEnumValueName(unc.DisplayType)

On Error Resume Next

unc.DisplayType = 4 ' naUncertaintyDisplayShade

If Err.Number <> 0 Then

   MsgBox Err.Description



   MsgBox "DisplayType = " & GetUncDispEnumValueName(unc.DisplayType)

End If

On Error GoTo 0

MsgBox "CoverageFactor = " & unc.CoverageFactor

' Uncomment the following line to try setting the CoverageFactor = 3

'unc.CoverageFactor = 3

unc.CableRepeatabilityUncertainty = False

MsgBox "CableRepeatabilityUncertainty = " & unc.CableRepeatabilityUncertainty

unc.CableRepeatabilityUncertainty = True

MsgBox "CableRepeatabilityUncertainty = " & unc.CableRepeatabilityUncertainty

unc.MeasurementNoiseUncertainty = False

MsgBox "MeasurementNoiseUncertainty = " & unc.MeasurementNoiseUncertainty

unc.MeasurementNoiseUncertainty = True

MsgBox "MeasurementNoiseUncertainty = " & unc.MeasurementNoiseUncertainty

unc.ErrorTermUncertainty = False

MsgBox "unc.ErrorTermUncertainty = " & unc.ErrorTermUncertainty

unc.ErrorTermUncertainty = True

MsgBox "unc.ErrorTermUncertainty = " & unc.ErrorTermUncertainty

End Sub

Function GetUncDispEnumValueName(uncDispTypeEnum)

Select Case uncDispTypeEnum

   Case 0

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "naUncertaintyDisplayNone"

   Case 1

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "naUncertaintyDisplayMaximum"

   Case 2

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "naUncertaintyDisplayMinimum"

   Case 3

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "naUncertaintyDisplayBar"

   Case 4

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "naUncertaintyDisplayShade"

   Case 5

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "naUncertaintyDisplayEllipse"

   Case Else

      GetUncDispEnumValueName = "Unexpected display type enum value!"

End Select

End Function