About Measurement Parameters

ChangeParameter Method


Changes the parameter of the measurement.

 VB Syntax



(Type) - Description


A Measurement (object)


(string) - New parameter. Case insensitive.

For S-parameters and Applications parameters:

Single-digit port numbers can be separated by "_" (underscore). For example: "S21" or "S2_1"

Double-digit port numbers MUST be separated by underscore. For example: "S10_1"

For Ratioed receiver measurements:

Any two receivers in your PNA separated by "/". For example: "A/R1"

See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR PNA.

For Unratioed (absolute power) measurements:

Any receiver in the PNA. For example: "A"

See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR PNA

With PNA Rev 6.2, Ratioed and Unratioed measurements can also use logical receiver notation to refer to receivers. This notation makes it easy to refer to receivers with an external test set connected to the PNA. You do not need to know which physical receiver is used for each test port. Learn more.

For ADC measurements

Any ADC receiver in the PNA.

For example: "AI1" indicates the Analog Input1.

Learn more about ADC receiver measurements.

For Balanced S-parameter measurements:


topology -  Choose from:

    • sbal - single-ended to balanced

    • ssb - single-ended / single-ended to balanced

    • bbal - balanced to balanced

Sabxy -


a - device output (receive) mode

b - device input (source) mode

(choose from the following for both a and b:)

      • d - differential

      • c - common

      • s - single ended

x - device output (receive) logical port number

y - device input (source) logical port number

For example:"sbal:sdd42"

See an example program

For Imbalance and Common Mode Rejection measurements:

"topology:parameter" Choose from:

Choose this:

To get this:





single-ended to balanced



single-ended to balanced

common mode rejection



single-ended to balanced

common mode rejection



single-ended / single-ended to balanced

imbalance 1


single-ended / single-ended to balanced

imbalance 2


single-ended / single-ended to balanced

common mode rejection



single-ended / single-ended to balanced

common mode rejection



balanced to balanced

imbalance 1


balanced to balanced

imbalance 2


balanced to balanced

common mode rejection




(long integer)

  • Ignored if param is an S-Parameter

  • Source port if param is a ratioed or unratioed receiver measurement (including ADC measurements).

Note: If the port is defined by a string name, such as an external source, a balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-x model, then you must use chan.getPortNumber to translate the string into a port number. To learn more see Remotely Specifying a Source Port.

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


meas.ChangeParameter "S11",2 '2 is ignored

meas.ChangeParameter "VC21",1 '1 is ignored

meas.ChangeParameter "A/R1",2 '2 is the source port

meas.ChangeParameter "a1/b1",1 '1 is the source port

meas.ChangeParameter "R1",2 '2 is the source port

'to change to a parameter with a string name
dim app
set app = CreateObject("Agilentpna835x.application")
dim capabilities
set capabilities = app.Capabilities
dim portnum
portnum = Capabilities.GetPortNumber("Src2 Out1")
app.activemeasurement.ChangeParameter "A",portnum

C++ Syntax

HRESULT ChangeParameter(BSTR parameter, long lPort)

