ADC Measurements

The PNA is equipped with two ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) inputs on the rear-panel Power I/O connector (Pins 7 and 8). These ADC inputs can be used as measurement receivers and display measurements on the PNA screen.

Two DAC outputs are supplied on the Power I/O connector (Pins 3 and 4). These DAC outputs are controlled from the DC Source Control dialog.

Learn how to configure an external DC Source or DC Meter.


How to create ADC receiver measurements

  1. Press Traces

  2. then [New Traces]

  3. then [Receivers tab]

  1. Click Trace/Chan

  2. then New Trace


New Trace (ADC) dialog box help  

Note: Sweep speed slows dramatically when measuring more than two ADC receivers.

On the New Trace dialog, click the Receivers tab.

Activate - check any empty line to create a trace.

Numerator - select from the following:

  • AI1 or AI2- Input 1 or 2

  • AOS1 or AOS2 - Output sense 1 or 2

  • AIG - Analog ground  (PNA-X only)

Denominator - NOT available (ONLY unratioed measurements)

Source Port - The ADC receiver is measured when the specified source port is sweeping. Select None to always measure the ADC receiver.


ADC receiver traces are labeled as shown in the following images:

ADC Traces and other useful PNA functions

Although most PNA functions work with ADC traces, the following may be especially useful.

PNA Functions Not Supported