About Receiver Cal

DoReceiverPowerCal Method


Note: This command replaces DataToDivisor, LogMagnitudeOffset, Normalization, InterpolateNormalization.

Immediately performs a receiver power calibration. The connection to the receiver must be in place when this command is sent.

A Receiver Power Cal requires that the active measurement be an Unratioed power measurement.

 VB Syntax

cal.DoReceiverPowerCal(param, srcPort [,pwrOffset])


(Type) - Description


A Calibrator (object)


(string) – Receiver to be calibrated. Choose any receiver in your PNA. See a block diagram of your PNA.

With PNA Rev 6.2, receivers can also be referred to using logical receiver notation.  This notation makes it easy to refer to receivers with an external test set connected to the PNA. You do not need to know which physical receiver is used for each test port. Learn more.


(long integer) – Number of the port which will supply source power to the receiver during this cal.

Note: If the port is defined by a string name, such as an external source, a balanced port, or one of the Source 2 outputs on the 2-port 2-source PNA-x model, then you must use chan.getPortNumber to translate the string into a port number. To learn more see Remotely Specifying a Source Port.


(double) – Optional argument.  Offset value in dB. Adjusts a receiver power cal to account for components or adapters that are added between the source port and receiver while performing this cal. Specify loss as a negative number; and gain as a positive number.

Return Type



Not Applicable


cal.DoReceiverPowerCal "B", 1, -10

C++ Syntax

HRESULT DoReceiverPowerCal(BSTR parameter, long lSrcPort, double dPowerOffset);

