Write only

ImportDataSet Method


Imports the Guided Power Cal Set (from an existing SMC Cal) or Phase Reference Cal into the current SMC calibrations.

For the Guided Power Cal:

The port of the mixer input must have the same source attenuator setting between the SMC channel and the Guided Power Cal Set. The frequencies of the Guided Power Cal must include all the mixer frequencies. Interpolation will be applied to the Guided Power Cal frequencies if they do not exactly match.

For the Phase Reference Cal:

The port of the mixer input must have the same source attenuator setting as used in the phase reference cal. The phase reference cal must include all the mixer frequencies. Interpolation will be applied to the phase reference cal frequencies if they do not exactly match. Learn more about Phase Reference Cal.

The following error message may appear (it is not written to the PNA Error Log):

Interpolation target is out of range. Cannot interpolate when incompatible frequency ranges occur.

 VB Syntax

smc.ImportDataSet (calset, dataName)


(Type) - Description


SMCType (object)


(String) Name of existing SMC Cal Set from which cal data is imported.


(String) Name of the data set. Choose from:

  • “POWER_STEP” - Import Guided Power Cal data.

  • "POWER_AND_PHASE" - Import the Phase Reference + power cal data.   When this command is sent, the SMC Cal Method is automatically set to Use Phase Reference Cal Set. Learn more. There is no other command to set this.

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable



See example program

C++ Syntax

HRESULT ImportDataSet(BSTR csName, BSTR dataset);



Last Modified:


Edit for Phase Reference


Edited for interpolation


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