
ECALPortMapEx Property


This property replaces ECALPortMap Property

Specifies which ports of the ECal module are connected to which ports of the PNA for the DoECAL1PortEx and DoECAL2PortEx methods when the OrientECALModule property = False.

This setting remains until the PNA is restarted or this command is sent again.

Note: For guided calibrations where Orient is OFF and the same ECal module is used in more than one Connection Step, you are not allowed to specify how the ECal module is connected.  Instead, the PNA determines the orientation.  The PNA does not verify that you made the connection properly.

This command, and OrientECALModule_Property, can be used to perform ECal orientation using the Guided Calibration interface.

 VB Syntax

cal.ECALPortMapEx (module) = value


(Type) - Description


A Calibrator (object)


(long integer)  Optional argument. ECal module.

Choose from modules 1 through 8

Use IsECALModuleFoundEx to determine the number of modules connected to the PNA

Use GetECALModuleInfoEx to return the model and serial number of each module.


(string) -Format this parameter in the following manner:



  • A, B, C, and D are literal ports on the ECAL module

  • w,x,y, and z are substituted for PNA port numbers to which the ECAL module port is connected.

Ports of the module which are not used are omitted from the string.

For example, on a 4-port ECal module with

  • port A connected to PNA port 2

  • port B connected to PNA port 3

  • port C not connected

  • port D connected to PNA port 1

the string would be: A2,B3,D1

DoECAL1PortEx or DoECAL2PortEx methods will fail if the port numbers passed to those methods are not in the string of this property and OrientECALModule property = False.

Return Type



Not Applicable


Dim cal As Calibrator
Dim sPortMap As String
Set cal = PNAapp.ActiveChannel.Calibrator
cal.ECALPortMapEx = “a2,b1” 'Write
sPortMap = cal.ECALPortMap 'Read

C++ Syntax

HRESULT put_ECALPortMapEx( long moduleNumber, BSTR strPortMap);

HRESULT get_ECALPortMapEx( long moduleNumber, BSTR *strPortMap);

