About Cal Methods

PathCalMethod Property


Note: This command replaces ThruCalMethod.

(Read-Write) Specifies the calibration method for each port pair.

Note: Sending this command will overwrite the PNAs SmartCal determinations for the most accurate cal method for your connector settings and Cal Kits.  Send this command ONLY if you have a deliberate reason for overwriting the SmartCal logic. You can send the query form of this command to learn the cal method determined by SmartCal.

See Thru Pairs Sequence to learn how to send this and other Thru commands.

After sending this command, send the query form to be sure that the command was accepted. If not, then the chosen Cal method is not compatible with the specified Thru method. For example, if the specified Thru method is Unknown Thru, an attempt to set Enhanced Response Cal should be rejected.

See an example of a 4-port guided calibration using COM.

VB Syntax

guidedCal.PathCalMethod (port1, port2) = "caltype1[,caltype2]"


(Type) - Description


GuidedCalibration (object)


First port of the pair to be calibrated.


Second port of the pair to be calibrated.



(String) Cal types for 1st and 2nd ports of the pair, enclosed in a single pair of quotes.  NOT case-sensitive.

caltype1 Cal type for the pair if caltype2 is not specified. Otherwise, Cal type for port 1.Choose from:

  • “TRL”

  • “SOLT”


  • “EnhRespN

For the last two arguments, replace N with the port to be used as the source port, which MUST be one of the port pair.

[caltype2] Optional argument. Use only when performing an adapter removal cal on the pair. This argument specifies the Cal Type on the second port;  caltype1 then specifies the Cal Type of the first port.

Choose from the same arguments as caltype1.

Return Type

String - Returns comma-separated cal types.


The most accurate cal method for the current cal.


guidedCal.PathCalMethod(2,3) = "TRL" 'Write trl for port pair

guidedCal.PathCalMethod(1,4) = "TRL,SOLT" 'Write adapter removal cal, consisting of trl on port 1 and solt on port 4

calmethod = guided.PathCalMethod(1,4) 'Read previous example, returns: "TRL,SOLT"

C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_PathCalMethod(long firstport, long secondport, BSTR *calMethod);

HRESULT put_PathCalMethod(long firstport, long secondport, BSTR calMethod);



Last modified:


Added sequence link


Added default note.

April 9, 2007

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