SOURce:DC commands

Controls the internal PNA-X and external DC sources.


| CATalog?


| ENABle

| LIMit

    | MAXimum

    | MINimum




Click on a keyword to view the command details.

Note: The PNA-X internal DC sources are named "AO1" and "AO2" using CAPITAL O (NOT zero - 0)

See Also


(Read-only) Returns the names of the configured and active DC sources for the specified channel.  Use SYST:CONF:EDEV:CAT? to read a list of all configured external devices, including inactive devices.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1



'Returns the following...


'AO1 and AO2 are PNA-X internal DC Sources

Return Type

String, Names are separated by commas.


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:DC:DATA <name[,port]>,<data>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the DC stimulus values per point to be sent from the specified DC source.

This setting overrides the Start and Stop DC settings for the channel. Only the values that are set with this command can be read by this command. The read command does NOT read the values that are set using the Start and Stop settings.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


String. The name and port must EXACTLY match those in the DC Source Control dialog.

name - DC Source Name. See note for specifying internal DC Sources.

[port] - Optional. PNA port for DC Source data. This is equivalent to the <per port> setting in the DC Source Control dialog.

If unspecified, data is applied to ALL ports.

Important: When you specify a port for this command, it must also be included for ALL DC Source commands that have this optional [port] specifier.


The stimulus value array to be set. The size of the array should be equal to the sweep point number.


'Set 3 data points on the channel

scpi.Execute "SENS:SWE:POIN 3"

'Enable DC Source output

scpi.Execute "SOUR:DC:ENAB ON"

'Set AO1 state to be always ON (no port value)

scpi.Execute "SOUR:DC:STATe 'AO1',ON"

'Set DC value for each data point

scpi.Execute "SOUR:DC:DATA 'AO1',1,5,1"

'Read data back

data = scpi.Execute ("SOUR:DC:DATA? 'AO1'")

msgbox data

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:DC:DATA? <name[,port]>

Return Type

Comma-separated values


Not Applicable

SOURce<ch>:DC:ENABle <bool>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the ON / Off state of all configured DC sources for the specified channel. This setting is the same as the checkbox at the top of the DC Source Control dialog.

Individual DC sources must ALSO be enabled using SOUR:DC:STATe.

Use SYST:CONF:EDEV:CAT? to read a list of all configured external devices.

Use SOUR:DC:CAT? to read a list of ACTIVE configured DC source names




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


ON / Off state. Choose from:

ON or 1 - All DC sources enabled.

OFF or 0 - All DC sources disabled.



Query Syntax


Return Type




SOURce<ch>:DC:LIMit:MAXimum <name>,<num>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the Max DC limit value for a DC source.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. DC Source Name. See note for specifying internal DC Sources.

The name must EXACTLY match those in the DC Source Control dialog.


Max DC limit value. Choose a value within the range of the DC source.


SOUR2:DC:LIM:MAX "myDCSource",10

source:dc:limit:maximum "myDCSource",10

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:DC:LIMit:MAXimum? <name>

Return Type




SOURce<ch>:DC:LIMit:MINimum <name>,<num>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the Min DC limit value for a DC source.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. DC Source Name. See note for specifying internal DC Sources.

The name must EXACTLY match those in the DC Source Control dialog.


Min DC limit value. Choose a value within the range of the DC source.


SOUR2:DC:LIM:MIN "myDCSource",-10

source:dc:limit:minimum "myDCSource",-10

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:DC:LIMit:MINimum? <name>

Return Type




SOURce<ch>:DC:STARt <name[,port]>,<num>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns start DC value for the specified DC source.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


String. The name and port must EXACTLY match those in the DC Source Control dialog.

name - DC Source Name. See note for specifying internal DC Sources.

[port] - Optional. PNA port for DC Source start value. This is equivalent to the <per port> setting in the DC Source Control dialog.

If unspecified, DC Start value is applied for ALL ports.

Important: When you specify a port for this command, it must also be included for ALL DC Source commands that have this optional [port] specifier.


Start value. Choose a value within the range of the DC source.


SOUR2:DC:STARt "myDCSource",3

source:dc:start "AO1,Port 1",1

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:DC:START? <name[,port]>

Return Type




SOURce<ch>:DC:STATe <name[,port]>,<bool>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns the ON / Off state of the specified DC source and port.

Use SYST:CONF:EDEV:CAT? to read a list of all configured external devices.

Use SOUR:DC:CAT? to read a list of ACTIVE configured DC source names




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


String. The name and port must EXACTLY match those in the DC Source Control dialog.

name - DC Source Name. See note for specifying internal DC Sources.

[port] - Optional. PNA port for DC Source state. This is equivalent to the <per port> setting in the DC Source Control dialog.

If unspecified, DC is ALWAYS ON or OFF for ALL ports.

Important:When you specify a port for this command, it must also be included for ALL DC Source commands that have this optional [port] specifier.


ON / Off state. Choose from:

ON or 1 - DC source/port enabled.

OFF or 0 - DC source/port disabled.


'Set AO1 to always ON

source:dc:state "AO1",1

'Set MyDCSource to ON when RF source Port 1 is ON

SOUR:DC:STAT "MyDCSource,Port 1",ON

'Read state for MyDCSource,Port 1

SOUR:DC:STAT? "MyDCSource,Port 1"

Query Syntax

SOURce<ch>:DC:STATe? <name[,port]>

Return Type



0 - OFF

SOURce<ch>:DC:STOP <name[,port]>,<num>

(Read-Write) Sets and returns stop DC value for the specified DC source.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


String. The name and port must EXACTLY match those in the DC Source Control dialog.

name - DC Source Name. See note for specifying internal DC Sources.

[port] - Optional. PNA port for DC Stop value. This is equivalent to the <per port> setting in the DC Source Control dialog.

If unspecified, DC Stop is applied for ALL ports.

Important: When you specify a port for this command, it must also be included for ALL DC Source commands that have this optional [port] specifier.


Stop value. Choose a value within the range of the DC source.


SOUR2:DC:STOP "myDCSource", 3

Query Syntax


Return Type

