This VBS program does the following:
creates and configures GCX
performs a calibration using an ECal with 3.5 mm Female on Port A and 3.5 mm Male connectors on Port B
To run this example without modification you need the following:
An ECal module that covers the frequency range of the measurement. You may need to change the ECal model number in the program.
A power meter must be available to the PNA. This can be accomplished either by attaching the meter to the PNA via a GPIB cable, or by using SCPI over LAN.
By removing the comments ( ' ) at the start of the BLUE code, it can also do the following:
Use ECal characterizations
Specify Mechanical Cal Kits
Perform manual ECal orientation.
Specify the thru measurement method.
Omit the isolation part of the 2-port cal.
Perform an LO Power Cal.
Set LO power level on External Source (MUST be pre-configured either remotely or using the GUI. See example program.)
The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example. However, some modification is necessary to make the program run on a traditional GPIB Interface. For example, during the power meter portion of this calibration, scpi.Parse will not process a command until the power meter routine has completed. Traditional GPIB would require a serial polling technique to ensure the routine has completed before proceeding.
This program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save on the PNA hard drive as GCX.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.
See the Gain Compression and Mixer Commands
See other SCPI example programs
option explicit dim CompLevel, Tolerance, StartFreq, StopFreq, LOFreq, NumFreqs, Scale, LinearPower dim AcqMode, BackOff, StartPower, StopPower, NumPowers, EnableInterp, CompAlg dim DwellTime, IFBandwidth, ShowIterations, host, app, parser, i CompLevel = 1 ' 1 dB compression level Tolerance = 0.05 ' SMART Sweep tolerance NumFreqs = 21 Scale = 0.1 LinearPower = -10 BackOff = 10 ' Not used for Deviation from linear gain StartPower = -20 StopPower = 8 NumPowers = 60 ' Not used for SMART Sweep DwellTime = 0.0005 ' Allow some time for DUT bias/thermal effects IFBandwidth = 1000 ' Reasonable trace noise at -20 dBm EnableInterp = False ' Disable interpolation AcqMode = 0 ' Smart Sweep CompAlg = 0 ' Deviation from linear gain ShowIterations = False ' Configure SMART to not show iteration results dim objargs set objargs = wscript.Arguments if (objArgs.Count = 1) then host = objargs(0) ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '' Create and Configuration GCX Channel: ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' set app = CreateObject("Agilentpna835x.application") set parser = app.ScpiStringParser ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '' GCX Setup ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' parser.Parse "*RST" parser.Parse "CALC:PAR:DEL:ALL" parser.Parse "CALC:CUST:DEF ""SC21"",""Gain Compression Converters"",""SC21"" " parser.Parse "DISP:WIND:TRAC1:FEED ""SC21"" " parser.Parse "CALC:PAR:SEL ""SC21"" " parser.Parse "CALC:CUST:DEF ""CompIn21"",""Gain Compression Converters"",""CompIn21"" " parser.Parse "DISP:WIND:TRAC2:FEED ""CompIn21"" " parser.Parse "CALC:CUST:DEF ""DeltaGain21"",""Gain Compression Converters"",""DeltaGain21"" " parser.Parse "DISP:WIND:TRAC3:FEED ""DeltaGain21"" " parser.Parse "SENS:SWE:MODE HOLD" parser.Parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC3:Y:SCAL:PDIV " & Scale parser.Parse "DISP:WIND1:TRAC3:Y:RLEV " & -CompLevel select case AcqMode case 0 ' SMART Sweep parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:AMOD SMAR" case 1 ' 2D Power Sweeps parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:AMOD PFREQ" case 2 ' 2D Freq Sweeps parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:AMOD FPOW" end select select case CompAlg case 0 ' Deviation from linear gain parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:ALG CFLG" case 1 ' Deviation from max gain parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:ALG CFMG" case 2 ' Back Off parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:ALG BACK" case 3 ' XY parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:ALG XYCOM" end select
if EnableInterp then parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:INT ON" else parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:INT OFF" end if
if ShowIterations then parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:SMAR:SIT ON" else parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:SMAR:SIT OFF" end if
parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:LEV " & CompLevel parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:BACK:LEV " & BackOff parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:DELT:X " & BackOff parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:COMP:DELT:Y " & BackOff parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:SWE:FREQ:POIN " & NumPowers parser.Parse "SENS:GCS:SMAR:STIM " & DwellTime parser.Parse "SENS:BAND " & IFBandwidth parser.Parse "SENS:SWE:DWEL " & DwellTime parser.Parse "SOUR:POW:STAR " & StartPower parser.Parse "SOUR:POW:STOP " & StopPower parser.Parse "SOUR:POW " & LinearPower parser.Parse "SENS:SWE:POIN " & NumFreqs
' Mixer settings parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:INPut:FREQ:MODE SWEPt" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:INPut:FREQ:STAR 3.6e9" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:INPut:FREQ:STOP 3.9e9" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:LO:FREQ:MODE FIXED" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:LO:FREQ:FIX 1e9" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:LO:POW 10" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:OUTP:FREQ:SID LOW" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:CALC Output" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:APPLY" 'First apply the settings, then set LO Name parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:LO:NAME 'Port 3'" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:APPLY" parser.Parse "SENS:MIX:SAVE "C:/Program Files/Keysight/Network Analyzer/Documents/Mixer/MyMixer.mxrx"" ' sweep single parser.Parse "SENS:SWE:MODE SING"
dim str str =parser.Parse("*OPC?")
''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '' GCX Calibration ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '--------------Perform A GCX Cal using SMC commands---------------------- 'Specify the connector types and the cal kits for each of the ports. parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:PORT1:SEL ""APC 3.5 male""" parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:PORT2:SEL ""APC 3.5 female""" parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT1:SEL ""N4691-60004 ECal""" parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT2:SEL ""N4691-60004 ECal"""
' Non-factory characterizations are specified as follows: 'parser.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 User 1 ECal'" ' When two or more ECal modules with the same model number are connected ' also specify the serial number as follows: 'parser.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 ECal 01234'" ' When Disk Memory ECal user characterizations are used, ' specify both the User char and the serial number as follows: 'parser.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 'N4691-60004 MyDskChar ECal 01234'" ' Uncomment the following lines to manually orient ' the ecal port A connected to PNA port 1 'parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:PREF:ECAL:ORI OFF" 'parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:PREF:ECAL:PMAP ECAL2 ="A1,B2"
' Specify Mechanical cal kits 'parser.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 '85033D/E'" 'parser.Parse "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 '85033D/E'"
'Optional settings 'Specify the thru measurement method. 'Always send an INIT command before the THRU command. 'parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:INIT" 'parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PATH:TMET 1,2,""UNDEFINED THRU""" 'Omit the isolation part of the 2-port cal (default behavior). 'parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ISOL NONE" ' 'Perform LO Power Cal 'parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:SMC:LO1:PCAL 1" 'Set the LO power level for the cal on an external PSG source. 'scpi.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PSEN1:POW:LEV 10,’PSG’” ' 'Initialize a Guided calibration. parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:INIT" 'Tell the wizard to generate and report the number of steps in this cal. Dim steps Dim desc 'Determine the number of steps required to complete the calibration. steps =parser.Parse ("SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:STEP?") For i = 1 To steps 'Display the prompt for each step desc =parser.Parse ("SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:DESC? " & CStr(i)) MsgBox (desc) 'Perform the measurement for each step parser.Parse "SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ACQ STAN" & CStr(i) Next 'Finish the cal and save the calset parser.Parse ("SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:SAVE ON") Msgbox ("GCX cal saved to CH1_CALREG")
Last Modified:
14-Oct-2014 |
Added LO pwer level (DS) |
10-Jan-2013 |
Added INIT before tmet |
6-Oct-2011 |
Updated with new SMC commands |
19-Oct-2010 |
MX New topic |