Perform a Guided Cal with Sliding Load

This example sets the sliding load behavior, then performs a Guided Calibration that uses a sliding load.

A measurement must first be set up with desired frequency range, power, and so forth, ready to be calibrated.

The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do not need to control the PNA via GPIB to run this example.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file, such as Notepad, and save it on the PNA hard drive as guided.vbs.

Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See Guided Cal commands.

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

' Specify that any sliding loads should be measured using the

' remote iterative method rather than launching sliding load dialog.

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:pref:slid iter"

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port1 ""APC 3.5 female"" "

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port2 ""APC 3.5 male"" "

85052B cal kit uses sliding loads

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port1 ""85052B"" "

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port2 ""85052B"" "

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:init"

numSteps = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:steps?")

' Measure the standards

For i = 1 To numSteps

   step = "Step " + CStr(i) + " of " + CStr(numSteps)

   strPrompt = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:desc? " + CStr(i))

   MsgBox strPrompt, vbOKOnly, step

   minIterations = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:iter:min? " + CStr(i))

   For j = 1 To minIterations

      If minIterations > 1 Then MsgBox “Adjust/position the standard for measurement “ + CStr(j) + “ of “ + CStr(minIterations), vbOKOnly

      scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:acq STAN" + CStr(i)


  iterationCount = scpi.Execute("sens:corr:coll:guid:iter:coun? " + CStr(i))

   If iterationCount <> minIterations Then

      MsgBox “Unexpected error!”, vbOKOnly, step

      scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:iter:res " + CStr(i)

   End If


' Conclude the calibration

scpi.Execute "sens:corr:coll:guid:save"

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