Sense:Correction:Collect:Guided Commands

Performs and applies a SmartCal (Guided) calibration and other error correction features.

Important Notes:





     | COUNt

          | ZERO

     | CREate?

     | DELay

     | DESCription

     | PATHs



     | CATalog?

     | PORT

          | CATalog?

          | [SELect]


     | CATalog?

     | PORT

          | [SELect]



     | APPLy

          | [IMMediate]

          | PORTs?

     | [INITiate]


     | COMPute

     | LOAD[:CSET]



     | AVERage

          | INCRement

     | PATHs


     | COUNt?

     | MINimum?

     | RESet




     | CMEThod

     | TMEThod


     | SLIDingload

PSENsor - More commands


     | CSET

SMC - More commands




     | CHARacterize

          | CABLe[:INITiate]

          | NOISe[:INITiate]

     | [:ENABle]

VMC - More commands

Click on a keyword to view the command details.

Blue keywords are superseded commands.

See Also


(Write-only) Aborts the acquiring of a guided calibration that has been INITialized but has not yet been concluded using the SAVE command.  If at least one Cal standard has already been measured, and the Calibration Window is being displayed, this command also closes the Calibration Window and re-tiles the other measurement windows.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.



Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe:<ch>CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed[:ACQuire] STAN<n>[,sync]

(Write-only) Initiates the measurement of the specified calibration standard. Executing this command with an unnecessary standard has no affect.

The measured data is stored and used for subsequent calculations of error correction coefficients. All standards must be measured before a calibration can be completed.  Any measurement can be repeated until the SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:SAVE command is executed.

Query the user prompt description using SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:DESC?

Query the required calibration steps using SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:STEP?




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:STAN1, STAN2, etc. through STANn where n is the number of cal standard connection steps for the calibration.

Note: You do not necessarily have to invoke these connection steps in sequential order, but you must issue this command for all of the steps to be able to complete the calibration.


Optional argument. Choose from:

SYNChronous - blocks SCPI commands during standard measurement (default behavior).

ASYNchronous - does NOT block SCPI commands during standard measurement.

Learn more about this argument


sense2:correction:collect:guided:acquire stan1

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ADAPter:CREate? <conn1>, <conn2>

(Read-only) Specifies the use of a THRU adapter to be used during the Guided Cal Unknown THRU and Adapter Removal Cal. Returns an adapter index <n> which is used to refer to the adapter in several related commands. See Cal Thru Methods. While the choice of which end of the adapter is <conn1> and <conn2> is arbitrary, it is necessary to remember which will be used on each test port.

The settings for this command remain until Preset, or the command is sent using a different setting, or until the ZERO command is sent.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Adapter port 1 connector type. Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:CAT? to return a list of valid connector types.


Adapter port 2 connector type.


See example using this command.

Return Type



Not Applicable


(Read-Only)  Returns the number of THRU adapters that have been created for this calibration using SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ADAP:CREate.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


See example using this command.

Return Type



Not Applicable


(Write-only) Removes all adapters that have been defined for calibrations on the specified channel using SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ADAP:CREate.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.



Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ADAPter<n>:DELay <coax>, [w phase,  wdelay]

(Write-only) Specifies the adapter delay. and optionally waveguide delay and optional phase offset (degrees) of adapter <n>.

The settings for this command remain until Preset, or the command is sent using a different setting, or until the ZERO command is sent.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Adapter index number that was returned from SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ADAP:CREate?


Delay value of coax adapter <n> in seconds. If the adapter has no coax connector, enter 0.


Waveguide phase offset in degrees. If the adapter has no waveguide connector, do not enter a value.


Waveguide delay in seconds. If the adapter has no waveguide connector, do not enter a value.


See example using this command.


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ADAPter<n>:DESCription <string>

(Write-only) Specifies the adapter description for use as the guided cal connection prompts.

The settings for this command remain until Preset, or the command is sent using a different setting, or until the ZERO command is sent.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Adapter index number that was returned from SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ADAP:CREate?


Adapter description.


See example using this command.

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ADAPter<n>:PATHs <port pairs>

(Write-only) Specifies the port pairs for which the adapter will be used for a THRU connection.

For example, for a 3-port cal on channel 1 using ports 1,2,and 3), to use adapter 1 between the ports (1 to 2) and (1 to 3) the following command is used: SENS1:CORR:COLL:GUID:ADAP1:PATH 1,2,1,3.

The adapter must have the same DUT connectors as the ports that are already specified for these ports.

The settings for this command remain until Preset, or the command is sent using a different setting, or until the ZERO command is sent.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Adapter index number that was returned from SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ADAP:CREate?

<port pair>

Ports for which the adapter will be used. The orientation is not critical, as the PNA will align the connector types as necessary. The minimum number of Thru connections required is the number of ports to calibrated -1.


See example using this command.

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CHANnel:MODE <bool>

(Read-Write) Determines whether or not to honor the channel <ch> argument in guided calibration SCPI commands.




OFF (0)   Honor all <ch> arguments. This means the <ch> channel is calibrated regardless of which channel is currently active.

ON (1)  Legacy behavior. Behavior is specified by the following table:

<ch> channel type

Std or App

Active channel type

Std or App




Active chan cal'd



"Channel not found" error



<ch> chan cal'd



<ch> chan cal'd

Learn about Standard vs Application channels.



sense:correction:collect:guided:channel:mode ON

Query Syntax


Return Type



OFF - This is the default beginning with A.09.50

ON - Default before A.09.50

SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CKIT:CATalog? <connector>

(Read-only) This command replaces SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT:CAT?

Returns a comma-separated list of valid kits that use the specified connector type. This includes mechanical cal kits, applicable characterizations found within ECal modules currently connected to the PNA, and all user characterizations stored in PNA disk memory. For ECal modules, the returned list includes the serial numbers.  See ECal User Characterization commands.

Use items in the list to select the kit to be used with the SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT  and SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PSENsor<pnum>:CKIT  commands.




String. Connector type. Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:CAT? to return a list of valid connector types.



Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CKIT:PORT<pnum>:CATalog? Superseded

(Read-only) This command is replaced by SENSe:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:CAT?.

Returns a comma-separated list of valid kits for the specified PNA port. In addition to mechanical calibration kits, this will include applicable characterizations found within ECal modules currently connected to the PNA.

Use items in the list to select the kit to be used with the SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT command.

Note: Beginning with PNA Rev 9.1, the serial number is returned for ALL ECal modules that are connected with the connector type of the specified port. Previously, the returned list would include the serial numbers to distinguish the ECal modules only when two or more identical ECal models were connected to the PNA.




Any existing port number.  If unspecified, value is set to 1


'When "Type N (50) male" is specified for connector type, returns:

"85054D, 85032F"

'When two identical ECal modules are connected for the connector type,
'the return string includes serial numbers

"85092-60010 ECal 10675, 85092-60010 ECal 00758"

Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CKIT:PORT<pnum>[:SELect] <kit>

(Read-Write) Specifies the calibration kit (mechanical or ECal) for each port to be used during a guided calibration. An unused port does NOT need to have a specified Cal Kit.

  1. Specify the connector type for the port with SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:PORT.

  2. Query the valid available kits for the connector on each port with SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT:CAT?

  3. Specify the kit using this command.

  4. Perform a query of this command. If the <kit> parameter was incorrectly entered, an error will be returned.

When using this command to specify the cal kit for the output of a VMC calibration mixer, specify port 3. If port 3 is already used for the output of the DUT mixer, then specify port 4. Learn more.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Any existing port number. If unspecified, value is set to 1


Calibration kit to be used for the specified port. Case-sensitive.

When using an ECal module, include the characterization name in the <kit> string. Use SENSe:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:CAT? to read the list of characterizations available in the module and in PNA disk memory.

If two or more identical ECal modules are connected to the PNA, the serial number must be included to distinguish the ECal modules.


'Note: All of the following examples specify port 1 only

' Mechanical Cal kit


 ' Standard ECal modules


' Non-factory ECal characterizations are specified as follows:

SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT1 "N4691-60004 User 1 ECal"

' When two or more ECal modules with the same model number are

' connected, also specify the serial number as follows:

SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT1 "N4691-60004 ECal 01234"

' When Disk Memory ECal user characterizations are used,

' specify both the User char and the serial number as follows:

SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT1 "N4691-60004 MyDskChar ECal 01234"

Query Syntax


Return Type

String - If the <kit> parameter was incorrectly entered while writing, an error will be returned.


Not Applicable


(Read only) Returns a list of valid connectors based on the connector descriptions of the available cal kits. Use an item from the returned list to specify a connector for SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:PORT

Here are the more common connector types:

W-band waveguide

V-band waveguide

U-band waveguide

R-band waveguide

Q-band waveguide

K-band waveguide

P-band waveguide

X-band waveguide

7-16 female

7-16 male

Type B

Type A (50) female

Type A (50) male

Type F (75) female

Type F (75) male

Type N (75) female

Type N (75) male

Type N (50) female

Type N (50) male

1.00 mm female

1.00 mm male

1.85 mm male

1.85 mm female

2.92 mm female

2.92 mm male

APC 2.4 female

APC 2.4 male

APC 3.5 female

APC 3.5 male





Type N (50) female, Type N (50) male, APC 7 (50), 3.5 mm (50) male, 3.5 mm (50) female, User Connector A

Return Type

Comma separated string values


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CONNector:PORT<pnum>[:SELect] <conn>

(Read-Write) Specifies a DUT connector type for every port during the Guided Calibration procedure. Valid DUT connector names are stored within calibration kits. Some cal kits may include both male and female DUT connectors. Therefore, specifying the DUT connector gender may be required.

The PNA remembers previous Guided Cal settings. Therefore, for completeness, unused ports can either be defined as "Not used" or use the SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ABORt command to clear all ports. The ABORt command is a more thorough approach and more convenient. See Guided Cal examples.

  • A single port with a valid <conn> name indicates  a 1-Port calibration will be performed.  

  • Two ports with valid <conn> names indicate either a 2-Port SOLT or TRL calibration will be performed depending on the standards definition found within the cal kit and the capability of the PNA.

  • Three ports with valid <conn> names indicate a 3-Port calibration will be performed, and so forth.

Follow these steps to ensure port connectors are specified correctly:

  1. Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:CAT? to query available connectors before specifying the port connector.

  2. Set a connector type for each port using this command.

  3. Perform a query of this command. If the connector type was incorrectly entered, an error will be returned.

  4. Specify the cal kit to use for each port with SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Any existing port number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String - DUT connector type to connect with PNA port <pnum>. Case-sensitive.


'Specifying a 2-port cal (1 & 2) on a 4-port PNA


Query Syntax


Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:DESCription? <step>

(Read-only) Returns the connection description for the specified calibration step.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


A number from 1 to the number of steps required to complete the calibration (Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:STEP? to query the number of steps )



Connect APC 7 Open to port3

Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:DMATch:APPLy[:IMMediate] [string]

(Write-only) Specifies a Delta Match Cal Set to be used for delta match correction.

If the User-performed Cal Set GUID or Name is not specified, then the Global Delta Match Cal Set is applied.

An error is returned if the specified Cal Set does not meet the following Delta Match criteria:

  • Must have been performed using ECal or as a guided mechanical cal (not Unguided).

  • Must have the same start freq, stop freq, and number of points as the channel being calibrated.

  • Must calibrate the ports that are required by the TRL or Unknown Thru cal as indicated by SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:DMATch:APPLy:PORTs?.

The Global Delta Match Cal can ALWAYS be applied.

Learn more about Delta match calibration.

See example of a complete Global Delta Match calibration.

See example where Delta Match is applied to a calibration.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Optional argument. GUID or Name of the User-performed Delta Match Cal Set to apply.

If unspecified, the Global Delta Match Cal Set is applied.



sense:correction:collect:guided:dmatch:apply:immediate "{2B893E7A-971A-11d5-8D6C-00108334AE96}"


Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


(Read-only) Returns the port numbers for which delta match correction is required. 0 (zero) is returned if the Cal does NOT require Delta Match correction for one of the following reasons:

  • The Cal does NOT involve Unknown THRU or TRL. You specify this using SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:METH <UNKN | TRL>.

  • The Cal DOES involve Unknown THRU or TRL, but the delta match data can be calculated by the Unknown Thru or TRL Cal. Learn how this is possible. However, you can force the Cal to use the Delta Match data from a Cal Set.

Learn more about Delta match calibration.

See example of a complete Delta Match calibration.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.




Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:DMATch[:INITiate] <conn>,<cKit>

(Write-only)  Initiates a global delta match calibration.  

Learn more about Global Delta Match calibration.

See example of a complete Delta Match calibration.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String. Connector type for port 1. All other ports are set automatically.


String  Cal Kit for all ports. If incorrectly entered while writing, an error is returned.


SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:DMAT APC 3.5 female,"85052B"

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:ETERms:COMPute [cal set name]

(Write-only) Computes the error correction terms, turns Correction ON, and saves the calibration to an existing, specified Cal Set.

The cal acquisition process does not conclude as with the SAVE command. This command leaves the cal acquisition in memory to allow re-measuring/re-computing. To conclude the cal acquisition process, use the SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:ABOR. command.

Learn all about Cal Sets.

Note: This command is NOT supported for application channels (Gain Compression, SMC/VMC, Noise Figure, IMD and so forth). Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:SAVE and save to a cal register. You can then use SENS:CORR:CSET:COPY to copy the cal register to a named Cal Set.

  • Use this command instead of specifying the optional name or GUID argument in SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:INIT.

  • Use SENS:CORRection:CSET commands to get names of existing Cal Sets.

  • The cal data is also saved to the channel Cal Register.

  • If all of the required standards have not been measured, the calibration will not complete properly.

For Calibrate All Channels

When this command is used during a Cal All session, the <cal set name> argument sets the User Cal Set prefix.  All generated Cal Sets will be preceded with this string name.

  • Cal Set prefix can also be set using SYST:CAL:ALL:CSET:PREFix. When the Cal Set prefix has already been set with SYST:CAL:ALL:CSET:PREFix, this command overwrites it.

  • When <cal set name> is an empty string, a User Cal Set will not be saved.  Only Cal Registers will be saved.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.

<cal set name>

String - Name of an existing Cal Set to be overwritten.

See Calibrate All Channels note (above).


SENS:CORR:COLL:ETER:COMP "{2B893E7A-971A-11d5-8D6C-00108334AE96}"

sense:correction:collect:eterms:compute "MyCalSet"

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ETERms:LOAD[:CSET] <cset>,<calPort> [,csPort]

(Write-only)  Loads 1-port error terms from a Cal Set into the current Guided Cal sequence. When the Cal steps are recomputed, connection steps are removed due to the loading of the error terms.

This command must be sent after the INIT command. This command was implemented to facilitate calibrating a large matrix of external ports and most users will not need to use this command.

See example of how to use this command.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


String  Name of User Cal Set in which the error terms reside.


Integer  Port number of the current cal to receive error terms.


Integer  Optional argument. Port number associated with the error terms in the Cal Set. If unspecified, the same port number as <calPort> is used.


See example

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:INITiate[:IMMediate] [string][, bool][,char]

(Write-only) Initiates a guided calibration.




Channel to be calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Optional argument. Cal Set name or GUID enclosed in quotes.

If NOT specified, behavior depends on the SENS:CORR:PREFerence:CSET:SAVE setting.

If specified, choose an existing Cal Set, either by name or by GUID.

An error is reported if the Cal Set is not found.

The Cal Set is either supplemented or overwritten depending on the method, connectors, and ports selected. Learn more about Cal Sets.


Optional argument. To set this argument, also set the first optional argument. See example below.

OFF (0)   If Cal Set stimulus settings differ from the existing channel, do not change channel stimulus settings. The Cal Set is saved to the current setting of the SENS:CORR:PREF:CSET:SAVE command. This is the default setting if not specified.

ON (1)  If Cal Set stimulus settings differ from the existing channel, change the channel stimulus settings to match the Cal Set settings.


Optional argument. To set this argument, also set the first two optional arguments. See example below.

SYNChronous - blocks further SCPI commands while processing this command.. (default setting).

ASYNchronous - does NOT block further SCPI commands while processing this command.

Learn more about this argument



'set first optional argument


'set two optional arguments


'set all optional arguments


Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ISOLation:AVERage:INCRement <num>

(Read-Write) Specifies amount to increment (increase) the channels averaging factor during measurement of isolation standards in a guided calibration.

Note: If the channel has averaging turned OFF and the value of <num> is greater than 1, averaging will be turned ON only during the isolation measurements and with the averaging factor equal to <num>.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Amount to increment the averaging factor for the isolation measurement. The maximum averaging factor for the channel is  65536 (2^16).


'Measure isolation on all paths for the cal


'Remove the port pairs 1-to-2 and 1-to-3 from the list of paths on which to measure isolation

sense:correction:collect:guided:isolation:paths REMove,1,2,1,3

Query Syntax


Return Type



8 - If this command is NOT sent, but isolation is measured, then averaging will be turned ON with factor set to 8 during the isolation measurements.

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ISOLation[:PATHs] <char>[,<p1a, p1b, p2a, p2b]

(Read-Write) Specifies the paths (port pairs) to make isolation measurements on during a guided calibration.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


ALL Measure isolation on all pairings of the ports that are to be calibrated.

NONE Do not measure isolation on any pairing of the ports to be calibrated. (Default behavior).

ADD Add one or more specific pairings of ports to the list of port pairings for which isolation will be measured.

REMove Remove one or more specific pairings of ports from the list of port pairings for which isolation will be measured. If many paths are to be measured, it may be easier to first send ALL, then REMove and specify the paths to remove.

<p1a, p2a...>

For use when <char> is ADD or REMove.

Specify Port numbers in pairs:

  • For 3-port cals, specify up to 3 pairs.

  • For 4-port cals, specify up to 6 pairs.

p1a, p1b  (Path1 - port A and port B)

p2a, p2b  (Path2 - port A and port B)

p3a, p3b  (Path3 - port A and port B)


'Measure isolation on all paths for the cal


'Remove the port pairs 1-to-2 and 1-to-3 from the list of paths on which to measure isolation

sense:correction:collect:guided:isolation:paths REMove,1,2,1,3

Query Syntax


Note: if isolation is not be measured on any of the paths, the query returns 0

Return Type



0 - Isolation not measured on any paths.

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:COUNt? <step>

(Read-only)  Designed to be used for an iterative cal standard such as a sliding load, this command returns the number of iterative measurement acquisitions that has been made for the specified step.

Zero (0) is returned if the step has not yet been measured.

For most cal steps that have already been measured, this command returns 1.

Set SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PREF:SLID ITER to count acquisition steps.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Guided Cal step number for which the acquisition number will be returned.

Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:STEP? to query the number of steps in the calibration.



'Example return:


See example program

Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:MINimum? <step>

(Read-only) Designed to be used for an iterative cal standard such as a sliding load, this command returns the minimum number of required iterative measurement acquisitions for the specified step.

For most connection steps this will return 1, but for an iterative cal standard such as a sliding load, it will return a number such as 5.

Set SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PREF:SLID ITER to count acquisition steps.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Guided Cal step number for which to return the number of iterative measurement acquisitions that have been made. Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:STEP? to query the number of steps in the calibration.



'Example return:


See example program

Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:RESet <step>

(Write-only) Resets the specified guided cal connection step as unmeasured. This clears all previous measurements made for that step.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Guided Cal step number to reset. Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:STEP? to query the number of steps in the calibration.



See example program

Return Type

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:METHod <char> Superseded

This command is replaced with SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PATH:CMEThod and SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PATH:TMEThod.

(Read-Write) Selects from one of several algorithms available for performing the THRU portion of a guided calibration. Learn more about THRU methods.




DEFAULT - Informs guided calibrations to use the default algorithm when computing the number of needed standards acquisition steps. (default selection if omitted.)

ADAP - Use the adapter removal algorithm

FLUSH - Use with insertable devices.

UNKN - Use the Unknown THRU algorithm with calibrations for non-insertable devices.

DEFined  - Use the THRU definition that you stored in the cal kit file, or ECal module.

TRL - Select TRL Cal Type for guided cals.  Valid for "TRL ready" Cal Kits with properly assigned TRL cal classes.

SOLT  - Select SOLT Cal Type for guided cals.  Valid for any kit with properly assigned SOLT cal classes.


sense:correction:collect:guided:method unkn 

Query Syntax


Return Type




SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PACQuire STAN<n>

(Write-only) Show the Cal Window, and optionally one or more other specific windows before acquiring a Cal standard. This command will cause the Cal Window to display the specific measurements that are to be made for that particular Cal standard to facilitate the connection of standards.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Choose from:STAN1, STAN2, etc. through STANn where n is the number of cal standard connection steps for the calibration.

Note: You do not necessarily have to invoke these connection steps in sequential order.



sense:correction:collect:guided:pacquire STAN5

See an example that uses this command.

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PATH:CMEThod <port1>,<port2>,<caltype1[,caltype2]>

Note: This command replaces SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:METH.

(Read-Write) Specifies the calibration method for each port pair.

Note: Sending this command will overwrite the PNAs SmartCal determinations for the most accurate cal method for your connector settings and Cal Kits.  Send this command ONLY if you have a deliberate reason for overwriting the SmartCal logic. You can send the query form of this command to learn the cal method determined by SmartCal.

See Thru Pairs Sequence to learn how to send this and other Thru commands.

After sending this command, send the query form to be sure that the command was accepted. If not, then the chosen Cal method is not compatible with the specified Thru method. For example, if the specified Thru method is Unknown Thru, an attempt to set Enhanced Response Cal should be rejected.

Learn more about Thru Methods.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


First port of the pair to be calibrated.


Second port of the pair to be calibrated.


(String) Cal type for the port pair, enclosed in a single pair of quotes.  NOT case-sensitive.

caltype1 Choose from:

  • TRL

  • SOLT


  • EnhRespN

  • TransRespN

For the last two arguments, replace N with the port to be used as the source port, which MUST be one of the port pair.

caltype2  Optional argument. Use only when performing an adapter removal cal on the pair. This argument specifies the Cal type on the second port.  Caltype1 then specifies the Cal type of the first port.

Choose from the same arguments as caltype1.



sense:correction:collect:guided:path:cmethod 2,3,"solt,trl"

Query Syntax

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PATH:CMEThod? <port1>,<port2>

If only one caltype is returned then its NOT adapter removal.

Return Type



The most accurate Cal method for the current cal.

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PATH:TMEThod <port1>,<port2>,<thruType1[,thruType2]>

Note: This command replaces SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:METH.

(Read-Write) Specifies the calibration THRU method for each port pair.

Note: Sending this command will overwrite the PNAs SmartCal determination for the thru method.  Send this command ONLY if you have a deliberate reason for overwriting the SmartCal logic.  You can send the query form of this command to learn the THRU method determined by SmartCal.

See Thru Pairs Sequence to learn how to send this and other Thru commands.

Learn more about Thru methods.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


First port of the port pair to be calibrated.


Second port of the port pair to be calibrated.


(String) Thru methods for port pair, enclosed in a single pair of quotes.  NOT case-sensitive.

thruType1  Calibration Thru method. Choose from:

  • Defined Thru  Measures a Thru for which there is a stored definition in the Cal kit of the lowest-numbered port of the pair. For example, if the port pair is 1,2, then the cal kit for port 1 MUST contain a Defined Thru.

  • Zero Thru  Measures a Zero length Thru, also known as Flush-Thru.

  • Undefined Thru  (Also known as Unknown Thru)  A Thru type for which there is NOT a stored definition in the Cal Kit. Valid ONLY for SOLT cal type.

  • Undefined Thru using a Defined Thru  (ECal modules ONLY) Measures the internal Thru as an Unknown Thru.

thruType2  Optional argument. Use ONLY when Adapter Removal Cal is specified for the pair using SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:PATH:CMEThod. When specifying ThruType2, this is the only valid argument: "Defined Thru, Defined Thru"


sense:correction:collect:guided:path:tmethod 2,3,"Defined Thru,Defined Thru"

Query Syntax

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PATH:TMEThod? <port1>,<port2>

Always returns two parts:

If the second part of the string is empty, adapter removal is NOT being performed.

If the string is "Defined Thru, Defined Thru", adapter removal IS being performed.

Return Type



The most accurate Thru method for the current cal.

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:PREFerence:SLIDingload <char>

(Read-Write) Specifies the behavior for guided cal steps that involve a sliding load in a cal that is about to be performed. Send this command BEFORE sending the Guided INIT command.

Although the term 'Preference' is used in the command, this is NOT a PNA preference. This setting does NOT survive instrument preset or reboot. It remains ONLY for the duration of the Guided Cal.




Behavior when measurements of sliding load are acquired. Choose from:

DIALog - The Sliding load dialog box appears when the acquire command is received for a sliding load step.  All slide positions are measured (with a user-interface prompt) from a single invocation of the acquire command.

ITERate - Each invocation of the acquire command for a sliding load step measures a single slide position and increments the slide position counter. No Move Sliding Load prompt is presented on the PNA screen.



See example program

Query Syntax


Return Type




SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:SAVE[:IMMediate] [bool]

(Write-only) Completes the guided cal by computing the error correction terms, turning Correction ON, and saving the calibration to a Cal Set. If all of the required standards have not been measured, the calibration will not complete properly.

Learn all about Cal Sets.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Optional argument. If unspecified, the default behavior is the current PNA preference setting of SENSe:CORRection:PREFerence:CSET:SAVE.

OFF (0)   Save cal data ONLY to a Cal Register.

ON (1)  Save cal data to a Cal Register and a User Cal Set. The filename is automatically generated.


sense2:correction:collect:guided:save:immediate 0

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:SAVE:CSET <cal set name or guid>

(Write-only) Completes the guided cal by computing the error correction terms, turning Correction ON, and saving the calibration to an existing, specified Cal Set. This command performs the same function as SENSe:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:SAVE, except this command allows the name or GUID of the Cal Set to be specified.

Learn all about Cal Sets.

Note: This command is NOT supported for application channels (Gain Compression, SMC/VMC, Noise Figure, IMD and so forth). Use SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:SAVE and save to a cal register. You can then use SENS:CORR:CSET:COPY to copy the cal register to a named Cal Set.

  • Use this command instead of specifying the optional name or GUID argument in SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:INIT.

  • Use SENS:CORRection:CSET commands to get names or GUIDs of existing Cal Sets.

  • The cal data is also saved to the channel Cal Register.

  • If all of the required standards have not been measured, the calibration will not complete properly.

For Calibrate All Channels

When this command is used during a Cal All session, the <cal set name> argument sets the User Cal Set prefix.  All generated Cal Sets will be preceded with this string name.

  • Cal Set prefix can also be set using SYST:CAL:ALL:CSET:PREFix. When the Cal Set prefix has already been set with SYST:CAL:ALL:CSET:PREFix, this command overwrites it.

  • When <cal set name> is an empty string, a User Cal Set will not be saved.  Only Cal Registers will be saved.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.

<cal set name or guid>

String - Name or GUID of an existing Cal Set to be overwritten. If specifying a GUID, curly brackets must be included.

See Calibrate All Channels note (above).


SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:SAVE:CSET "{2B893E7A-971A-11d5-8D6C-00108334AE96}"

sense:correction:collect:guided:save:cset "MyCalSet"

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable


(Read-only) Returns the number of measurement steps required to complete the current guided calibration. This command is sent after the SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:INIT, SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CONN:PORT and SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:CKIT:PORT commands.




Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1.



Return Type



Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:THRU:PORTs <t1a, t1b, t2a, t2b, t3a, t3b...>

(Read-Write) For calibrating more than 2-ports ONLY. Specifies the port pairs for the Thru connections of the calibration.  Send the query form of this command to learn the Thru pairs determined by SmartCal.

Note: Sending this command will overwrite the PNAs SmartCal determinations for the thru ports.  Send this command ONLY if you have a deliberate reason for overwriting the SmartCal logic.

See Thru Pairs Sequence to learn how to send this and other Thru commands.




Channel being calibrated, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


Always specify port numbers in pairs: For example: 1,2 or 1,2,1,3

  • For 3-port cals, specify two or three pairs.

  • For 4-port cals, specify from three up to six pairs.


SENS:CORR:COLL:GUID:THRU:PORT 1,2,1,3,1,4 '4-port measurement

sense:correction:collect:guided:thru:ports 1,2,2,3 '3-port measurement

Query Syntax


Return Type



Port pairings that were used in the previous cal.

THRU Pairs sequence

The SmartCal logic always determines the best calibration based on your specified connectors and ports.

The following three commands overwrite the SmartCal logic. Send these commands ONLY if you have a deliberate reason for overwriting the SmartCal logic.

When sending one or more of these commands, they must be sent in the following sequence with the other commands listed here.

Note: The GUID:INIT command is sent before and after these commands.

  1. sens:corr:coll:guid:conn:port(n)

  2. sens:corr:coll:guid:ckit:port(n)

  3. sens:corr:coll:guid:init

  4. sens:corr:coll:guid:thru:ports <p1, p2>  

  5. sens:corr:coll:guid:path:tmet <p1,p2, thrutype>

  6. sens:corr:coll:guid:path:cmet <p1,p2, calmethod>

  7. sens:corr:coll:guid:path:cmet? <p1,p2> (recommended)

  8. sens:corr:coll:guid:init

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:UNCertainty:CHARacterize:CABLe[:INITiate] <pNum>,<iterations>

(Write-only) Initializes a cable repeatability characterization for the specified channel and port. Learn more about Dynamic Uncertainty.

The following existing commands are then used to perform the initialized repeatability or noise characterization:


SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:DESCription? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:MINimum? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ACQuire <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:COUNt? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:RESet <stepNum>






Channel number of the characterization, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


VNA port number on which the cable repeatability is to be performed.


Number of Iterative connections of the standards to be measured for the characterization.



See example program

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:UNCertainty:CHARacterize:NOISe[:INITiate] <firstPort>,<secondPort>,<iterations>

(Write-Read) Initializes a noise characterization for the specified channel and ports. Learn more about Dynamic Uncertainty.

The following existing commands are used to perform the initialized noise characterization:


SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:DESCription? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:MINimum? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ACQuire <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:COUNt? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ITERations:RESet <stepNum>






Channel number of the characterization, depending on the CHAN:MODE setting.  If unspecified, value is set to 1.


First VNA port number on which the noise characterization is to be performed.


Second VNA port number on which the noise characterization is to be performed.


Number of Iterative measurements to be made for each connected standard.



See example program

Query Syntax

Not Applicable


Not Applicable

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:UNCertainty[:ENABle] <bool>

(Write-Read) Sets and returns the ON/OFF state which determines if the calibration that is about to be performed will support Dynamic Uncertainty for S-Parameters (Opt. 015).

Note: Dynamic Uncertainty for S-Parameters is supported ONLY for calibrations on standard S-Parameter channels. Calibrations performed with that feature enabled do NOT support the use of ALL traditional GUIDed calibration commands. 

Then these existing commands are used for the performing of the calibration:

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:CKIT:PORT<pnum>[:SELect] <kit>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:INITiate[:IMMediate] [string][, bool][,char]


SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:DESCription? <stepNum>

SENSe<ch>:CORRection:COLLect:GUIDed:ACQuire <stepNum>



where these commands might also optionally be used in performing the cal:



SENSe:CORRection:PREFerence:ECAL:ORIentation[:STATe] <ON|OFF>

SENSe:CORRection:PREFerence:ECAL:PMAP <module>, <string>




Enable ON/OFF state. Choose from:

ON or 1 – The next calibration INITialized for the channel will support Dynamic Uncertainties for S-Parameters.

OFF or 0 -- The next calibration INITialized for the channel will NOT support Dynamic Uncertainties for S-Parameters.



See example program

Query Syntax


Return Type

