Upload and Download a Segment List

This VBScript program creates two segments, then uploads the segment data to the PNA.

The second part downloads the segment list from the PNA.

The SCPI commands in this example are sent over a COM interface using the SCPIStringParser object. You do NOT need a GPIB connection to run this example.

This VBScript (*.vbs) program can be run as a macro in the PNA. To do this, copy the following code into a text editor file such as Notepad and save it on the PNA hard drive as Unguided.vbs. Learn how to setup and run the macro.

See all Segment SCPI commands.

Create and Upload a Segment List

Option Explicit

Dim app

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

' Preset the PNA


Dim scpi

Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

' In case of a measurement receiver PNA like N5264A

' which has no source ports, "SOURce:CATalog?" will

' return an empty list (just a pair of quotation marks)

Dim srcPortNames

srcPortNames = Split( scpi.Execute("SOURce:CATalog?"), ",")

Dim numberOfSrcPorts

If Left( srcPortNames(0), 2 ) = Chr(34) & Chr(34) Then

   numberOfSrcPorts = 0


   numberOfSrcPorts = UBound(srcPortNames) + 1

End If

' Building up a string consisting of the sweep segment data

' we want to set up.  This example will create two segments.

Dim segData

' Set state of first segment to be ON (1 = ON, 0 = OFF),

' 101 points, start freq of 10 MHz, stop freq of 1 GHz

segData = "1,101,10E6,1E9"

' If you want to include one or more of: IFbandwidth, Dwell Time

' or Port Power, remove the comments from these next two lines

'TurnOnOptions 1  'Call the subroutine

'segData = AddOptionalSettings(segData, numberOfSrcPorts)

' Set state of second segment to be ON, 201 points,

' start freq of 1 GHz, stop freq of 3 GHz

segData = segData & ",1,201,1E9,3E9"

' Uncomment this line below only if you uncommented the

' AddOptionalSettings line above for the first segment.

'segData = AddOptionalSettings(segData, numberOfSrcPorts)

Const numSegs = 2

' Upload our segment list to the channel

scpi.Execute "SENSe1:SEGMent:LIST SSTOP," & numSegs & "," & segData

' Set segment sweep type on Channel 1

scpi.Execute "SENSe1:SWEep:TYPE SEGment"

' Having the PNA display the segment sweep table for the channel

scpi.Execute "DISPlay:WINDow1:TABLe SEGMent"

Sub TurnOnOptions(ByVal chan)

   scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:BWIDth:CONTrol ON"

   scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:SWEep:TIME:CONTrol ON"

   scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:POWer:CONTrol ON"

   ' Turning off coupling allows power to vary per each port

   scpi.Execute "SOURce"&chan&":POWer:COUPle OFF"

End Sub

Function AddOptionalSettings(ByVal inStr, ByVal numSrcPorts)

   ' Specifying 1 kHz IF bandwidth and Dwell Time of 0

   inStr = inStr & ",1E3,0"

   ' -10 dBm power for each of the source ports

   Dim i

   For i = 0 To numSrcPorts - 1

      inStr = inStr & ",-10"


   AddOptionalSettings = inStr

End Function

Download a Segment List

This example assumes that the active trace is in Window 1

Option Explicit

Dim app

Set app = CreateObject("AgilentPNA835x.Application")

Dim scpi

Set scpi = app.ScpiStringParser

' Set the display-active channel's sweep type to segment sweep

' (if the PNA's currently active measurement window doesn't

'  contain any traces, this querying for active channel will

'  result in a SCPI error which scpi.Parse will trap and throw)

Dim chan

chan = CLng( scpi.Parse("SYSTem:ACTive:CHANnel?") )

scpi.Execute "SENSe"&chan&":SWEep:TYPE SEGment"

' Having the PNA display the segment sweep table for the channel

scpi.Execute "DISPlay:WINDow1:TABLe SEGMent"

' Get the total number of segments

Dim numSegs

numSegs = CLng( scpi.Execute("SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:COUNt?") )

' Read the segment listing

Dim segDataStr

segDataStr = scpi.Execute("SENSe"&chan&":SEGMent:LIST?")

Dim segData

segData = Split(segDataStr, ",")

' Get upper bound of the array of data values

' (lower bound of array resulting from VB 'Split' function is 0)

Dim segArrayUB

segArrayUB = UBound(segData)

Dim numDataElementsPerSeg

numDataElementsPerSeg = (segArrayUB + 1) / numSegs

WScript.Echo "Number of segments = " & numSegs

WScript.Echo "Number of data values per segment = " & numDataElementsPerSeg

Dim segInfStr

segInfStr = "Segment 1: state = " & CBool(segData(0))

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", num points = " & CLng(segData(1))

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", start freq = " & CDbl(segData(2))

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", stop freq = " & CDbl(segData(3))

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", IFBW = " & CDbl(segData(4))

segInfStr = segInfStr & ", dwell time = " & CDbl(segData(5))

' In case of a measurement receiver PNA like N5264A

' which has no source ports, "SOURce:CATalog?" will

' return an empty list

Dim srcPortNames

srcPortNames = Split( scpi.Execute("SOURce"&chan&":CATalog?"), ",")

Dim srcPortNamesUB

srcPortNamesUB = UBound(srcPortNames)

' First source port name will be preceded by a quotation mark

' and the last name will be followed by one of those, so stripping

' those off now.

srcPortNames(0) = Right( srcPortNames(0), Len(srcPortNames(0)) - 1 )

srcPortNames(srcPortNamesUB) = Left( srcPortNames(srcPortNamesUB), InStrRev(srcPortNames(srcPortNamesUB), Chr(34)) - 1 )

Dim firstPortIndex

firstPortIndex = 6

Dim lastPortIndex

lastPortIndex = numDataElementsPerSeg - 1

Dim j

For j = firstPortIndex To lastPortIndex

   segInfStr = segInfStr & ", " & srcPortNames(j - firstPortIndex) & " power = " & CDbl(segData(j))


WScript.Echo segInfStr