Step 8 - Equipment Setup

Installation Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  1. Ensure the signal generator, arbitrary waveform generator, and analyzer are turned off.

  2. Connect the equipment to a computer using one of the following methods for instrument control:

Hardware Connections

The N7621B Signal Studio for Multitone Distortion software supports three general system configurations. Each system requires an PSG/MXG/EXG/ESG vector signal generator, an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), and a spectrum or signal analyzer. The three systems are designed around the modulation capabilities of the PSG/MXG/EXG/ESG vector signal generators and are:

The following hardware can be used to create a system:

  • Vector Signal Generator

PSG Series


E8267C Option 015


E8267D Option 015

E8267D Option H16


N5182A MXG

N5172B EXG

N5182B MXG

ESG Series


LXI Series


N8212A Option 016

  • Arbitrary Waveform Generator

PSG/ESG Internal AWG (Options 001, 002, 601, or 602)

MXG Internal AWG (Options 651, 652, 654, 656, or 657)

EXG Internal AWG (Options 653 or 655)

M8190A Arbitrary Waveform Generator

N603xA Arbitrary Waveform Generator

N824xA Arbitrary Waveform Generator (Option SL1 is not supported by this application.) 

M933xA Arbitrary Waveform Generator

  • Signal/Spectrum Analyzer


N9010A EXA Signal Analyzer

N9020A MXA Signal Analyzer

N9030A PXA Signal Analyzer

N9010B EXA Signal Analyzer

N9020B MXA Signal Analyzer

N9030B PXA Signal Analyzer

N9040B UXA Signal Analyzer



E440xA ESA Spectrum Analyzer


E444xA PSA Spectrum Analyzer

  • Other
N8201A Option H02 Down Converter

Common 10 MHz Reference

In all configurations the hardware must share a common 10 MHz reference.

This reference can be provided by the signal generator, the spectrum/signal analyzer, or by a house standard. The N7621B software always configures the external arbitrary waveform generator to use an external 10 MHz reference. The PSG/MXG/EXG/ESG signal generator has an auto sensing 10 MHz reference input. That is to say, the signal generator will automatically use an external reference if one is connected. The software verifies a common 10 MHz reference during a correction measurement or during the self test.

Possible System Configurations

In configurations that use an MXA/PXA signal analyzer, the N7621B Signal Studio for Multitone Distortion software turns off the signal analyzer's Auto Align feature to prevent the possibility of long communication delays during alignment. This is the recommended setting while the Multitone Distortion software is running. If you need to align your MXA/PXA, you can perform a manual alignment (Align Now), but understand that the software cannot communicate with the instrument during the alignment.

PSG Signal Generator with Wideband IQ option (015,016,H16,HBQ) and an external Arb (N824xA, M933xA, N603xA, M8190A)

ClosedWideband IQ: E8267D PSG Option 016 and M8190A Arb with N9030A PXA


ClosedWideband IQ: E8267D PSG Option 016 and N8241A or N6030A Arb with PXA



ClosedWideband IQ: E8267D PSG Option 016, H16 or HBQ, and N8241A or N6030A Arb with PSA



ClosedWideband IQ: E8267C/D PSG Option 015 and N8241A or N6030A Arb with PSA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.



ClosedWideband IQ: N8212A Option 016 and N8241A Arb with PSA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.

ClosedWideband IQ: N8212A Option 016 and N8241A Arb with N8201A

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.

Signal Generator with external IQ and an external Arb (N824xA, M933xA, N603xA, M8190A)

ClosedExternal IQ: E8267C/D PSG and N8241A or N6030A Arb with PXA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.



ClosedExternal IQ: N5182B MXG and N8241A or N6030A Arb with PXA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.



ClosedExternal IQ: E8267C/D PSG and N6030A Arb with PSA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.


ClosedExternal IQ: E4438C ESG and N6030A Arb with PSA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.


Arb only (N824xA, M933xA, N603xA, M8190A)

ClosedArb Only: M8190A with PXA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.

With the N7621B Multitone Distortion software and a dual-channel M8190A, you can select Channel 1, Channel 2, or Both as the active channel.

When both channels are active, the signal is directed to both output channels. Using corrections in this mode is not advised because corrections may not behave as expected.


ClosedArb Only: N8241A or N6030A with PSA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.


N6030A/N8241A Channel 1+ output to the to the PSA RF input

PSA 10 MHz reference output to the N6030A/N8212A 10 MHz input

The N8241 External 10 MHz Reference Input is not supported. Use the Auxiliary 10 MHz reference input as illustrated above.

Signal Generator with internal Arb (PSG/ESG/MXG/EXG)

ClosedInternal IQ: N5182B MXG with MXA or PXA

Be sure to enable the spectrum analyzer 10 MHz reference output.


The analyzer provides the 10 MHz reference in these configurations.