Step 9 - Testing Connections

Installation Steps: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9          

After starting the N7621B software, the ClosedConfiguration Wizard is used to configure the I/O interface for the signal generator, arbitrary waveform generator, and spectrum/signal analyzer.

  1. Turn on the equipment and, if necessary, the computer.

  2. If using an external Arbitrary Waveform Generator (M8190A, M9330A, N6030A, or N8241A), turn on the Arb and verify correct functionality using the Closedinstrument's soft front panel or control utility.

    M8190A Soft Front Panel


    M9330A/N6030A Control Utility


    N8241A Control Utility


  1. Start the Signal Studio for Multitone Distortion software.

  2. Establish communications between the software and the equipment by first selecting New hardware configuration in the ClosedWelcome to Keysight Signal Studio for Multitone Distortion dialog box (System Configuration Wizard) that appears.

  3. Select a Closedfunction from the list (Internal Arb, Arb Only, Wideband I/Q, or External I/Q) then click Next.

    Use the configurations that do not include a signal analyzer only if you do not plan to use signal corrections.

  4. Select Closeda hardware configuration and click Next.

  5. Select Closed<New> and click Next.

  6. Enter the GPIB or LAN address for the Closedsignal generator.

    To find the signal generator's LAN information, (IP address/hostname), press the following front panel keys:

    Utility > GPIB/RS-232 LAN > LAN Setup.

    To find the signal generator's GPIB address, press the following front panel keys:

    Utility > GPIB/RS-232 LAN > GPIB Address.

  7. Click the Next button to automatically check the ClosedI/O connection of the signal generator. Click Next to continue.

  8. Enter the LAN or PXI address for the Closedexternal arb.

    The N603xA/M933xA Control Utility can be run to determine the PXI address of the Arb. The addresses of all N603xA/M933xA Arbs found in the system can be viewed in the Control Utility by looking in the Instrument > Browse menu.

  9. Click the Next button to automatically check the ClosedI/O connection of the external arb. Click Next to continue.

  10. Enter the GPIB or LAN address for the Closedspectrum/signal analyzer.

  11. Click Next to automatically check the ClosedI/O connection of the analyzer. Click Next to continue.

  12. Enter a Closedsystem name and click Finish to save the current setup.

  13. After making the connections you can view the Closedsystem's information on the Hardware panel.

  14. Install the software license.

  15. Run Self Test to make certain the system is configured correctly.

If the connection fails, or for help with error messages, refer to Troubleshooting.

Run System Configuration Wizard

Change Hardware Connection

Run Self Test