External instrument can be controlled through GP-IB/LAN by the pre-installed plug-in.
Parameter Type |
Parameters |
Description |
Example |
Send the GPIB command <cmd> to the instrument specified by the number <instr> at the timing <timing>. You can set the wait time (ms) after the command execution with <wait_ms>. |
GPIB_CMD, 1, begin, SYST:PRES, 10 |
<instr>, <cmd>, <wait_ms> <limit_min>, <limit_max>, <rank> |
Send the query command <cmd> and execute the limit test for the returned value with <limit-min> and <limit_max>. If multiple values are returned, the limit test is executed for the first value. You can set the limit test rank with <rank>. |
GPIB_LIMIT, 1, READ?, 10, 0, 5.2, 3 |
Complete your test plan and output the TAP plan file.
Launch the TAP on the PXIe controller.
In the menu bar, select “Settings” -> “Bench” -> “Instruments” to open the Bench Settings dialog.
Select the bench profile you are going to use
Add "External Instruments Controller"
<instr> is VISA Address No. (1 to 5)
Delete “No Action” if it is listed.
If “No Action” is listed, you have to select "ExtInstr" in Ext.Action for each step of DUT Mode Control.
Enter the VISA address of the external instrument. The VISA address can be confirmed by opening the Keysight IO Libraries Suite.