Confirming Result of Transient Measurement

Displaying Transient Parameters

Add your required traces.

  1. Click Trace > New Traces.

  2. Check the required parameters. You can check multiple traces.

  3. Select the target channel and windows to add the trace(s). New Window adds another window.

  4. Click Apply

Note: The power in narrow band cannot be selected when the frequency span is over 30 MHz.

Example in Wide-Narrow measurement.
  1. Click Trace > New Traces.

  2. Check the box for NB1_Freq

  3. Select the New Window for window selection.

  4. Click Apply

If you want to locate one trace in one window, Click Display > Window Setup > Window Layout > Trace per Window.

Se also

Data Format

 A data format is the way the analyzer presents measurement data graphically.

How to set the Display Format

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

Using a mouse

  1. Press Format > Format 1

  1. Right-click on the trace status area above the grid box.

  2. Click Format.

  3. Select the desired format.

Scaling the traces

Adjust the scale for each trace. The center position is not changed automatically at the center frequency in the Narrow band measurement. See Scale for more detail.

Phase Reference


Configure Phase Reference

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

Using a mouse

When the Narrow band phase is selected:

  1. Press Format > Format1 >  Phase Reference....

  1. Click Response

  2. Select Format > Phase Reference....


Phase Reference dialog tab help

Phase Reference Frequency  

  • Measure Frequency at  - "Measurement Frequency at” value is X Position, "Using Span of” value is X Span. Phase Reference will be the averaged frequency of the Narrow band measurement data at this value and the averaged range is determined by X Span value. If the span is 0, Frequency at measured data value at X Position will be used.

  • Set Frequency to - Phase Reference will be the value on this edit box.

Note: There is a difference behavior from the E5052B. The E5052B has “Offset” parameter for phase reference settings and the Phase Reference will be “Reference Frequency” + “Offset”. On the other hand, the “Offset” value will be calculated if the “Set Frequency to” is selected.

Phase Zero Position

Set Phase to Zero at” value is X Position, “Using Span of” value is X Span.

  •  If X Span is 0, Narrow measurement data at X Position will be “Phase = 0” position.

  •  If X Span is more than 0, the Offset value will be added to Trace data to be the averaged value of Narrow measurement data whose range is X Span is “Phase = 0”

Linear Regression


Line Regession

Using Hardkey/SoftTab/Softkey

Using a mouse

When the Narrow band phase is selected:

  1. Press Math > Analysis >  Linear Regression....

  1. Click Response

  2. Select Math > Linear Regression....


Line Regression dialog tab help

Range - Select the range from full span or custom. When the custom, Specify the start/stop

Calculate A&B - Calculate a linear regression parameters, A and B from the data trace in the specified range.

Save to Memory - Save the linear regression line data to the memory trace.