These commands are for setting up measurements.
CALCulate:MEASure COMPutation CONVersion | FUNCtion | ALL EQUation | [:STATe] | TEXT | VALid? | FREQ | UNIT FREQuency | SENSitivity | APERture FUNCtion More commands HOLD | CLEar | [TYPE] LREGression | DATA? | LINE | A | B | MEMory | RANGe | STARt | STOP | TYPE MATH | FUNCtion | MEMorize MIXer | XAXis TRANsform More commands |
Click a keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Applicable Models: E505xA with VNA ports (Read-Write) Sets or gets the parameter after conversion using the parameter conversion function, for the active trace of selected channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<char> |
Select from the following parameters after conversion:
Examples |
SCPI sequence to retrieve resistance from a polar chart: CALC:MEAS:CONV:FUNC ZREFlection CALC:MEAS:FORM:REAL CALC:MEAS:DATA:FDATA?
SCPI sequence to retrieve reactance from a polar chart: CALC:MEAS:CONV:FUNC ZREFlection CALC:MEAS:FORM:IMAG CALC:MEAS:DATA:FDATA?
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:CONVersion:FUNCtion? |
Return Type |
Character |
"OFF" |
Applicable Models: E505xA with VNA ports (Read-Write) Calculates the deviation from a least-squares best fit line. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<char> |
Select from the following parameters:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:COMPutation:DEViation? |
Return Type |
Character |
"OFF" |
Applicable Models: E505xA with VNA ports (Write-only) Creates a measurement but does NOT display it, on an existing or new channel. When a new channel is created, any licensed measurement class can be used. Up to 580 (2000 for M98xxA, P50xxA/B and E5080B, E5081A) measurements can be created. Note that each display window can only display a limited number of traces. See Traces, Channels, and Windows on the VNA.
This command replaces the following commands: CALCulate:PARameter[:DEFine]:EXTended CALCulate:CUSTom:DEFine |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the new measurement. If unspecified, value is set to 1. If the specified channel does not exist, then a channel of the specified type will be created. If no type of channel is specified, then a standard channel will be created. If the specified channel exists, then the parameter will be added to the channel provided the existing channel supports the parameter (otherwise, an error will be generated). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for the new measurement. If the specified measurement number is already in use, an error will be generated. |
(String ) Measurement Parameter and optional measurement class name separated by a ":" (colon). For example, "SA1:Spectrum Analyzer" creates an SA1 measurement and selects the spectrum analyzer class for the channel. Note: If a measurement class of a channel does not support the defined measurement parameter, an error is generated. Case sensitive. For S-parameters: Any S-parameter available in the VNA Single-digit port numbers CAN be separated by "_" (underscore). For example: "S21" or "S2_1" Double-digit port numbers MUST be separated by underscore. For example: "S10_1" For ratioed measurements: Any two VNA physical receivers separated by forward slash '/' followed by comma and source port. For example: "A/R1, 3" Learn more about ratioed measurements See a block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR VNA. For non-ratioed measurements: Any VNA physical receiver followed by comma and source port. For example: "A, 4" Learn more about unratioed measurements. See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR VNA. Ratioed and Unratioed measurements can also use logical receiver notation to refer to receivers. This notation makes it easy to refer to receivers with an external test set connected to the VNA. You do not need to know which physical receiver is used for each test port. Learn more.
(string) - The following are the existing valid measurement parameters for each measurement class. The Measurement Class must be installed and registered on the VNA. (variant) Measurement names to create:
Examples |
CALC1:MEAS2:DEF "S11" 'Defines an S11 measurement for channel 1, measurement number 2. CALC2:MEAS:DEF "R1,1:Standard" 'Defines an R1,1 measurement for channel 2, measurement number 1 (default), and creates a Standard channel. SYST:FPRest |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Write-only) Deletes the specified measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Write-only) Deletes all measurements on the VNA. |
Parameters |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Set and return equation editor trace update delay. This command delays updating the equation editor trace until all trace references have finished updating to ensure that all data is present. Note: This command does not work in application channels. In addition, this command does not work with the standard channel when the channel is in HOLD and then SINGLE sweeps are sent. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<bool> |
Choose from: OFF (0) Do not delay equation editor trace update. ON (1) Delay equation editor trace update. |
Examples |
1 |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:EQUation:FAST[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
OFF or 0 |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:EQUation[:STATe] <bool>
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Turns ON and OFF the equation on selected measurement for the specified channel. If the equation is not valid, then processing is not performed. Use CALC:EQUation:VALid? to ensure that the equation is valid. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<bool> |
ON (or 1) - turns equation ON. OFF (or 0) - turns equation OFF. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS:EQU 1 calculate2:measure1:equation:state 0 |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:EQUation[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
OFF (0) |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:EQUation:TEXT <string>
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Specifies an equation or expression to be used on the selected measurement for the specified channel. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<string> |
Any valid equation or expression. See Equation Editor. |
Examples |
'Equation (includes '=') CALC:MEAS:EQU:TEXT "foo=S11/S21" 'Expression |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:EQUation:TEXT? |
Return Type |
String |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Only) Returns a boolean value to indicate if the current equation on the selected measurement for the specified channel is valid. For equation processing to occur, the equation must be valid and ON (CALC:EQU:STAT 1). |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS:EQU:VAL? calculate2:measure1:equation:valid? |
Return Type |
Boolean 1 - equation is valid 0 - equation is NOT valid |
Not Applicable |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FORMat <char>
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets the display format for the measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FORMat? |
Return Type |
Character |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEAS:FORMat:FREQ <char>
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and read the format of the Δfrequency in VCO Characteristic measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<char> |
Choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<ch>:MEAS:FORMat:FREQ? |
Return Type |
Character |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FORMat:UNIT <dataFormat>, <units>
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets and returns the units for the specified data format. Measurements with display formats other than those specified are not affected. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<dataFormat> |
Choose from:
<units> |
For unratioed MLOG measurements, choose from:
For unratioed MLIN measurements, choose from:
For Delta Frequency DFRequency, choose from:
For PHASe, UPHase and PPHase, choose from:
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:FORMat:UNIT? <dataFormat> |
Return Type |
Character |
MLOG, DBM (HZ for DFRequency,E505xA with opt S963015B) (PHASe, DEG for E505xA with opt S963015B) |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Set and read the frequency reference for Δfrequency in VCO Characteristic measurement. |
Parameters |
<value> |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:FREQ:REF 1E9 calculate:measure2:frequency:reference 1E8 |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:FREQuency:REFerence? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Set and read the sensitivity aperture for Freq/V in VCO Characteristic measurement. |
Parameters |
<double1> |
Sensitivity aperture in % |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:FREQ:SENS:APER calculate:measure2:frequency:sensitivity:aperture |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<ch>:MEAS:FREQuency:SENSitivity:APERture? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
1 |
Applicable Models: All (Write-only) Resets the currently-stored data points to the live data trace and restarts the currently-selected Trace Hold type. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS:HOLD:CLE calculate2:measure1:hold:clear |
Query Syntax |
Not Applicable |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets the type of trace hold to perform. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<value> |
Trace Hold type. Choose from: OFF - Disables the Trace Hold feature. MINimum - Sets Trace Hold to store the lowest measured data points. MAXimum - Sets Trace Hold to store the highest measured data points. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS:HOLD:TYPE MAX calculate2:measure1:hold:type minimum |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<ch>:MEASure<mnum>:HOLD:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Specify the parameter A of Line Regression. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<value> |
A from data trace in specified range |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:LINE:A calculate:measure2:lregression:line:a |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:LREGression:LINE:A? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Specify the parameter B of Line Regression. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<value> |
B from data trace in specified range |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:LINE:B calculate:measure2:lregression:line:b |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:LREGression:LINE:B? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Write only) Save the linear regression line data to the memory trace. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:LINE:MEM calculate:measure2:lregression:line:memory |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read) This command calculates “Y = A*X + B” from current measurement trace (mnum trace) and return “A” and “B” value. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:DATA? calculate:measure2:lregression:data? |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:LREGression:DATA? |
Return Type |
{Data of A}, {Data of B} |
0,0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Specify the start value of the range. This value is used when CALC:MEAS:LREG:RANG:TYPE is set at CUST. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<value> |
Range from 0 µsec to 1000 sec |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:RANG:STAR calculate:measure2:lregression:range:start |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:LREGression:RANGe:STARt? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 µsec |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Specify the stop value of the range. This value is used when CALC:MEAS:LREG:RANG:TYPE is set at CUST. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<value> |
Range from 0 µsec to 1000 sec |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:RANG:STOP calculate:measure2:lregression:range:stop |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:LREGression:RANGe:STOP? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
1 µsec |
Applicable Models: E505xA with opt S963015B (Read-Write) Select the range from full span or custom. |
Parameters |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<type> |
Choose from: FULL - Full span CUSTom - Custom span, need to specify the start/stop range. |
Examples |
CALC:MEAS2:LREG:RANG:TYPE CUST calculate:measure2:lregression:range:type full |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate:MEASure<mnum>:LREGression:RANGe:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: All (Read-Write) Sets math operations on the currently selected measurement and the trace stored in memory. (There MUST be a trace stored in Memory. See CALC:MEAS:MATH MEM) |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<char> |
The math operation to be applied. Choose from the following: |
NORMal |
Trace data only |
Data + Memory |
SUBTract |
Data - Memory |
MULTiply |
Data * Memory |
DIVide |
Data / Memory |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:MATH:FUNCtion? |
Return Type |
Character |
NORMal |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets and reads the state of the memory data interpolation. Learn more. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. There must be a selected measurement on that channel. If unspecified, <ch> is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Turn memory data interpolation OFF. 1 - ON - Turn memory data interpolation ON. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<cnum>:MEASure<mnum>:MATH:INTerpolate? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
0 |
Applicable Models: All (Write-only) Puts the currently selected measurement trace into memory. (Data-> Memory). |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
Not applicable |
Not applicable |
CALCulate<ch>:MEASure<mnum>:MIXer:XAXis <char>
Applicable Models: E505xA with VNA ports (Read-Write) Sets or returns the swept parameter to display on the X-axis for the selected FCA and GCX measurement. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Any existing channel number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<char> |
Parameter to display on the X-axis. Choose from: INPut - Input frequency span OUTPut - Output frequency span LO_1 - First LO frequency span LO_2 - Second LO frequency span |
Examples |
INPUT See an example that creates, selects, and calibrates an SMC and VMC measurement using SCPI. |
Query Syntax |
CALCulate<ch>:MEASure<mnum>:MIXer:XAXis? |
Return Type |
Character |
INPut |
Applicable Models: E505xA with VNA ports (Read-only) Returns receiver data for the selected measurement. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<mnum> |
Measurement number for each measurement. |
<char> |
Choose from any physical receiver in the VNA. For example: "A" Also, REF - returns data for either R1 or R2 data depending on the source port of the selected measurement. See the block diagram showing the receivers in YOUR VNA. Note: Logical receiver notation is NOT allowed with this command. Learn more. |
Example |
GPIB.Write "INITiate:CONTinuous
OFF" GPIB.Write "CALCulate:MEASure2:RDATA? REF" |
Return Type |
Depends on FORM:DATA - Two numbers per data point |
Not Applicable |