Defines the settings for phase noise measurements.
SENSe:PN ADJust | CONFigure | FREQuency | CHECk | SEARch[:STATe] BASeband | GAIN | INPut | COUPling BWIDth | [:RESolution] | RATio COMPosition | MODel CORRelation | COUNt | MODE INPUt:ATTenuation | AUTO | VALue MEXTernal | [:STATe] | HARMonic | LO:LEVel
PDELay | [:VALue] POWer: | INPut |
CORRection | LOAD | STATe | AUTO | LEVel | AUTO | Maximum | MODE PULSe | PERiod | [:STATe] ROSCillator:SOURce:FIXed[:STATe] SEGMent | BWIDth | CORRelation | COUNt | COUNt | FREQuency | STARt | STOP SPURious:SYSTem:OMISsion[:STATe] SOURce SWEep | CARRier | OFFSet:EXTend | TYPE |
Click a keyword to view the command details.
See Also
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Enables and disables check for carrier. This is a narrow band search that expects the carrier to exist around the user-specified carrier frequency. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable check for carrier. 1 - ON - Enable check for carrier. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:ADJ:CONF:FREQ:CHEC ON sense2:pn:adjust:configure:frequency:check ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:CHECk? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
ON |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Enables and disables a broadband carrier search within the range specified using the SENSe:PN:ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:LOW and SENSe:PN:ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:LIMit:HIGH commands. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable search. 1 - ON - Enable search. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:ADJ:CONF:FREQ:SEAR ON sense2:pn:adjust:configure:frequency:search:state ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:ADJust:CONFigure:FREQuency:SEARch[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
ON |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Write Only) Executes the Dischage DC Block C. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
Examples |
SENS:PN:BAS:DISC sense2:pn:baseband:discharge |
Query Syntax |
N/A |
Return Type |
N/A |
Default |
N/A |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the setting for RF path gain. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Examples |
SENS:PN:BAS:GAIN sense2:pn:baseband:gain |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:BASeband:GAIN? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the setting for block capacitor type of baseband measurement. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<char> |
Choose from: ACLF: AC(LF) ACHF: AC(HF) |
Examples |
SENS:PN:BAS:INP:Coup ACHF sense2:pn:baseband:input:coupling aclf |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:BASeband:INPut:COUPling? |
Return Type |
Character |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the resolution bandwidth ratio, which is the specified resolution bandwidth percentage of every half decade offset frequency. Example: Start Offset = 1 kHz Stop Offset = 100 kHz RBW Ratio = 10% 1 kHz - 3 kHz: RBW = 100 Hz (10% of 1 kHz) 3 kHz - 10 kHz: RBW = 300 Hz (10% of 3 kHz) 10 kHz - 30 kHz: RBW = 1 kHz (10% of 10 kHz) 30 kHz - 100 kHz: RBW = 3 kHz (10 % of 30 kHz) |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Resolution bandwidth ratio in %. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:BWID:RAT 10 sense2:pn:bwidth:resolution:ratio 10 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:BWIDth[:RESolution]:RATio? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
10% |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Choose decomposition model of AM/PM composite measurement range. This function is command only (No GUI) |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<num> |
String. Choose from: 0 - None (AM+PM composite) 1 - Decompose as AM and PM are the same 2 - Subtract flat AM noise floor level 3 - Align with PN noise floor level (averaged value) 4 - Allgn with PM noise floor level (linear regression) |
Examples |
SENS:PN:COMP:MOD 1 sense2:pn:composition:model 3 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:COMPosition:MODel? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
4 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the cross correlation count number. As the correlation number is increased, the noise floor is reduced. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Correlation count number from 1 to 100,000. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:CORR:COUN 10 sense2:pn:correlation:count 10 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:CORRelation:COUNt? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
1 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Selects the correlation mode from normal or fast. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. |
<char> |
Choose from: NORMal FAST |
Examples |
SENS:PN:CORR:MODE FAST sense:pn:corelation:mode fast |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:CORRelation:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
NORMal |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Enable and disable the automatic attenuation control. This command is replaced with SENS:PN:POWer:INPUt:ATT:AUTO |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable automatic attenuation control. 1 - ON - Enable automatic attenuation control. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:INP:ATT:AUTO ON sense2:pn:input:attenuation:auto off |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:INPUt:ATTenuation:AUTO? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
ON |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets the attenuation level for the selected channel. This command disables the automatic attenuation control (SENSe:PN:ATTenuation:AUTO). This command is replaced with SENS:PN:POWer:INPUt:ATT. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Attenuation level (dB). The range is from 0 to 30 dB with the step size 1 dB. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:INPU:ATT:VAL 10 sense2:pn:input:attenuation:value 20 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:INPUt:ATTenuation:VALue? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
10 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Enables and disables the external mixer measurement |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable the mixer measurement 1 - ON - Enable the mixer measurement |
Examples |
SENS:PN:MEXT ON sense2:pn:mexternal:state ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:MEXTernal[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and read the harmonic number of LO for mixing |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Harmonic Number |
Examples |
SENS:PN:MEXT:HARM 15 sense2:pn:mexternal:harmonic 18 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:MEXTernal:HARMonic? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
18 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Enables and disables the external mixer measurement |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<no> |
LO port number from 1 or 2 |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Turn off the LO output power 1 - ON - Turn on the LO output power |
Examples |
SENS:PN:MEXT:LO1 ON sense2:pn:mexternal:lo2:state ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:MEXTerna:LO<no>[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and read the LO 1 or 2 output power level |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<no> |
LO port number from 1 or 2 |
<value> |
LO power level |
Examples |
SENS:PN:MEXT:LO2:LEV 5 sense2:pn:mexternal:lo2:level 10 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:MEXTernal:LO<no>:LEVel? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
10 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the noise type to phase or residual noise. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<enum> |
(Enumeration) Choose from: PNOise - Phase noise measurement. RESidual - Residual (additive) noise measurement. BASeband - Baseband Noise Measurement. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:NTYP PNO sense2:pn:ntype residual |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:NTYPe? |
Return Type |
Enumeration |
Default |
PNOise |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Turn the path delay compensation auto mode on or off. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Manual, Use the specified Path Delay value defined by SENSe:PN:PDELay[:VALue] 1 - ON - Auto, Set the path delay automatically at the beginning of each sweep. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:PDEL:AUTO ON sense2:pn:pelay:auto on |
Query Syntax |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and read the path delay value in the manual mode selected by SENSe:PN:PDELay:AUTO[:STATe]. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Path Delay |
Examples |
SENS:PN:PDEL 1E-12 sense2:pn:pelay:pdelay 1E-12 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:PDELay[:VALue]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the power correlation data. The correction data can be loaded from the csv file using SENS:PN:POW:INP:CORR:LOAD. See Data Map and Correction. No GUI for this command. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<array> |
A set of frequency and power correction data. The separator is a comma. |
Examples |
10E+6,0.04,100E+6,0.06,200E+6,0.07,300E+6,0.06 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:POWer:INPut:CORRection:DATA? |
Return Type |
Numeric Array |
Default |
0,0 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Write Only) Sets and returns the power correlation data from correction definition file. The format of data is a frequency value and a correction value for the frequency with a comma (,) separator. See Data Map and Correction. No GUI for this command. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<file> |
file name |
Examples |
"C:\CorrData.csv" |
Query Syntax |
N/A |
Return Type |
N/A |
Default |
N/A |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Write Only) Enable and disable the power correlation. The correction data can be set by SENS:PN:POW:INP:CORR:LOAD (csv file) or SENS:PN:POW:INP:CORR:DATA. See Data Map and Correction. No GUI for this command. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<file> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable the power correction. 1 - ON - Enable the power correction. |
Examples |
ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:POWer:INPut:CORRection:STATe? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Write Only) Set and query manual attenuation setting. This setting is applied when SENS:PN:POW:INP:ATT:AUTO is set at OFF. This command overwrite the value of SENS:PN:ATTenuation:VALue. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Specify the input attenuation level (dB). The range is from 0 to 30 dB with the step size 1 dB. |
Examples |
20 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:POWer:INPut:ATTenuation:AUTO? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
10 (dB) |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and query the state of auto calculate attenuation setting from INPut:LEVel:MAXimum. This setting is applicable when SENS:PN:POW:INP:LEV:AUTO is set at OFF. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Specified attenuator value is set 1 - ON - appropriate attenuator value is set with Maximum input level |
Examples |
ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:POWer:INPut:ATTenuation:AUTO? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
ON |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and query the state of auto leveling function at pre-measurement. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable auto leveling 1 - ON - Enable auto leveling |
Examples |
ON |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:POWer:INPut:LEVel:AUTO? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
ON |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Write Only) Set and query maximum input level used to calculate attenuation setting in dBm. This setting is not applicable when SENS:PN:POW:INP:LEV:AUTO is ON. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Specify the maximum input levl from -45 to 27 |
Examples |
SENS:PN:POW:INP:LEV:MAX -5 sense2:pn:input:input:level:maximum 0 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:POWer:INPut:LEVel:MAXimum? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
10 (dB) |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the period of pulse modulation. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<valuel> |
Examples |
SENS:PN:PULS:PER 0.01 sense2:pn:pulse:period 0.01 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:PULSe:PERiod? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
100E-6 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the state of pulse modulation. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable pulse setup. 1 - ON - Enable pulse setup. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:PULS ON sense2:pn:pulse:state 1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:PULSe[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
SENSe<ch>:PN:ROSCillator:SOURce:FIXed[:STATe] <bool>
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and query the state of the reference for Phase Noise measurements |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Phase Noise measurements use the global instrument reference 1 - ON - Phase Noise measurements always use Internl Reference |
Examples |
SENS:PN:ROSC:FIX ON sense2:pn:roscillator:fixded:state 1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:ROSCillator:SOURce:FIXed[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the resolution bandwidth for each phase noise segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<snum> |
Segment number to modify. Choose any existing segment number. |
<value> |
IF resolution bandwidth of each segment in Hz. If an invalid number is specified, the analyzer will round up to the closest valid number. Note: This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SEGM:BWID 1KHZ sense2:pn:segment2:bwidth:resolution max |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SEGMent<snum>:BWIDth[:RESolution]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
Varies with VNA model. |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the cross correlation count number for each phase noise segment. As the correlation number is increased, the noise floor is reduced. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<snum> |
Segment number to modify. Choose any existing segment number. |
<value> |
Correlation count number from 1 to 100,000. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SEGM:CORR:COUN 10 sense2:pn:segment3:correlation:count 10 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SEGMent<snum>:CORRelation:COUNt? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
1 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-only) Returns the number of phase noise segments currently defined. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<snum> |
Segment number. Choose any existing segment number. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SEGM:COUN? sense2:pn:segment3:count? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
Not applicable |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-only) Returns the phase noise start frequency for all segments. To set the start and stop frequency of the entire sweep (all segments), use the SENS:FREQ:STARt and SENS:FREQ:STOP commands with the SENSe:PN:SWEep:TYPE command set to SEGMent. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<snum> |
Segment number to modify. Choose any existing segment number. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
Not applicable |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-only) Returns the phase noise stop frequency for all segments. To set the start and stop frequency of the entire sweep (all segments), use the SENS:FREQ:STARt and SENS:FREQ:STOP commands with the SENSe:PN:SWEep:TYPE command set to SEGMent. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<snum> |
Segment number to modify. Choose any existing segment number. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
Not applicable |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and read Source1/2 output frequency for residual measurement. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Frequency for source |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SOUR:FREQ 2E9 sense2:pn:source:frequency 2E9 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SOURce:FREQuency? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
1E9 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and Read Source1/2 output power level for residual measurement. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Power level in dBm |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SOUR:POW -10 sense2:pn:source:power:level -10 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SOURce:POWer[:LEVel]? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
-15 |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and read Source1/2 output power setting resolution. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<enum> |
HIGH - 0.1 dB resolution NORmal - 0.5 dB resolution |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SOUR:RES HIGH sense2:pn:source:resolution high |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SOURce:RESolution? |
Return Type |
Enumeration |
Default |
NORMal |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Set and query the state of omission for carrier derived system spurious. (No GUI) |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable omit system spurs 1 - ON - Enable omit system spurs |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SPUR:SYS:OMIS ON sense2:pn:spurious:system:omission:state 1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SPURious:SYSTem:OMISsion[:STATe] ? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
ON |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the carrier frequency. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<value> |
Carrier frequency. Note: This command will accept MIN or MAX instead of a numeric parameter. See SCPI Syntax for more information. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SWE:CARR:FREQ 1 GHz sense2:pn:sweep:carrier:frequency max |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SWEep:CARRier:FREQuency? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Default |
1 GHz |
Applicable Models: N5055A (Read-Write) Sets and returns the Offset frequency extension status. See Maximum Offset Frequency. This function is not on GUI, command only. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<bool> |
Choose from: OFF / 0 - Offset frequency can be set within the specification range ON / 1- Offset frequency can be set up to maximum frequency. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SWE:OFFS:EXT ON sense2:pn:sweep:offset:extend off |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SWEep:OFFSet:EXTend? |
Return Type |
Bool |
Default |
0 (OFF) |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) Sets and returns the phase noise sweep type to logarithmic or segment. |
Parameters |
<ch> |
Channel number of the measurement (optional). |
<enum> |
(Enumeration) Choose from: LOGarithmic - Sets sweep type to logarithmic. SEGMent - Sets sweep type to segment. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:SWE:TYPE LOG sense2:pn:sweep:type segment |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<ch>:PN:SWEep:TYPE? |
Return Type |
Enumeration |
Default |
LOGarithmic |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) This command turns the cross-correlation counter on and off. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable cross-correlation counter 1 - ON - Enable cross-correlation counter |
Examples |
SENS:PN:XCO ON sense2:pn:xgcounter:state 1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:PN:XCOunter[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |
Applicable Models: E505xA (Read-Write) This command turns the cross-correlation gain indicator on and off. |
Parameters |
<cnum> |
Channel number of the measurement. |
<bool> |
Choose from: 0 - OFF - Disable cross-correlation gain indicator. 1 - ON - Enable cross-correlation gain indicator. |
Examples |
SENS:PN:XGIN ON sense2:pn:xgindicator state 1 |
Query Syntax |
SENSe<cnum>:PN:XGINdicator[:STATe]? |
Return Type |
Boolean |
Default |