Specifies the settings to remotely control the Auxilliary IO connector.
Note: The PNA-X, N522xA and N523xA models do NOT have this connector. However, the following commands are used to control ADC voltages on the Power I/O connector: CONT:AUX:OUTP:VOLT and CONT:AUX:INPut:VOLT?. Sending other Control:AUX commands may result in unusual behavior.
Click on a blue keyword to view the command details.
See Also
See a pinout and detailed description of the Power I/O Connector
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Reads and writes a 4-bit value to Port C on the Aux I/O connector. This port is connected internally to the Handler IO connector. Therefore this command will also affect the state of Port C on the Handler IO |
Parameters |
<num> |
Data value. Choose any number 0 to 15. |
Examples |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:C:DATA 15 For Positive Logic Port C lines C0, C1, C2, C3 go High or if in Negative Logic they go Low. CONTrol:AUXiliary:C:DATA? A returned value of 15 when in Positive Logic indicates Port C lines C0, C1, C2, C3 are High, or if in Negative Logic they are Low. |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:C:DATA? |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Reads and writes the logic mode of Port C on the AUX IO. This port is connected to Port C of the Handler IO connector. Therefore, it will have the same logic setting. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Logic of Port C. Choose from: POSitive - when a value of one is written the associate line goes High. NEGative - when a value of one is written the associate line goes Low. When Port C is in Output/Write mode, a change in logic causes the output lines to change state immediately. For example, Low levels change to High levels. When Port C is in Input/Read mode, a change in logic does NOT cause the lines to change, but data read from Port C will reflect the change in logic. |
Examples |
CONT:AUX:C:LOG POS 'Positive logic is applied to Port C data. |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:C:LOGic? |
Return Type |
Character |
NEGative |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets Port C to read or write mode. This port is connected to Port C of the Handler IO connector. Therefore, it will have the same mode setting. NOTE: When Port C is set to INPut mode, data writes are NOT applied to the lines. MODE must be set to OUTPut mode before writing. |
Parameters |
<char> |
INPut - set the port for reading OUTPut - set the port for writing |
Examples |
CONT:AUX:C:MOD INP 'set Port C to Input Mode for reading. CONTrol:AUXiliary:C:MODE? 'queries the input/output mode that the port set to. |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:C:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
INPut |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read only) Reads the Auxiliary connector Footswitch Input. |
Examples |
Return Type |
Boolean ON (or 1) = pressed OFF (or 0) = released |
OFF (0) - Released |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) This command sets the mode of the "FootSwitch In" line on the Auxiliary IO. These mode settings determine what occurs when the footswitch is pressed. Examine your results carefully when using these command modes. |
Parameters |
<char> |
IGNore - While in this mode any Footswitch presses are ignored. SWEep - While in this mode a Footswitch press will trigger the sweep. NOTE: The instrument must be in Manual Trigger Mode. RECall - While in this mode a Footswitch press will recall an instrument state. When more than one state is available each footswitch press recalls the next state, then starts over from the beginning. MACRo - While in this mode a Footswitch press will load and run a macro. When more than one macro are available each successive footswitch press loads and runs the next macro, then starts over from the beginning. |
Examples |
CONT:AUX:FOOT:MODe MACRo This sets the footswitch mode to MACRo causing a macro to be loaded and run with a footswitch press. CONTrol:AUXiliary:FOOTswitch:MODe? This query returns the footswitch mode setting. |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:FOOTswitch:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
IGNore |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Only) Reads voltage on the Power I/O connector. From the Control:Aux commands, ONLY this and CONT:AUX:OUTP:VOLT can be used on the PNA-X. |
Parameters |
<n> |
Port number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. Choose from
Examples |
Return Type |
Numeric |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) This command sets the mode of the selected "Analog Out" line on the Power I/O connector. The modes give the user the option to have the requested voltage applied immediately or not until the sweep is done. |
Parameters |
<n> |
Port number. If unspecified, value is set to 1. |
<char> |
WAIT - While in this mode any voltage changes sent to the selected analog out will only get applied to the output between sweeps. NOWait - While in this mode any voltage changes sent to the selected analog out will occur right away without waiting until the end of a sweep. |
Examples |
CONT:AUX:OUTP1:MOD WAIT This sets the mode so that voltages sent to "Analog Out 1" are only applied at the end of a sweep. CONT:AUX:OUTP2:MOD? This query returns the current mode for "Analog Out 2". |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:OUTPut2:MODe? 'Reads the output mode |
Return Type |
Character |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets and reads voltage on the Power I/O connector AnalogOut1|2. From the Control:Aux commands, ONLY this and CONT:AUX:INPut:VOLT? can be used. |
Parameters |
<out> |
DAC output number. Choose from: 1 - Output 1 (Aux I/O pin 3) and (Power I/O pin 3) 2 - Output 2 (Aux I/O pin 2) and (Power I/O pin 4) |
<num> |
Output Voltage. Choose a voltage value between -10 and +10 volts |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:OUTPut<out>:VOLTage? 'Reads the output DAC voltage |
Return Type |
Numeric |
0 |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets the logic of the PassFail line (pin 12) on the Material Handler IO (pin 33). |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: NEGative - Causes the PassFail line to have negative logic (high = fail, low = pass). |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:PASSfail:LOGic? |
Return Type |
Character |
POSitive |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets and reads the default logical pass/fail state. This is the state the pass/fail line stays in until a failure occurs (if the mode is NOWait), or until an end-of-sweep condition occurs (if the modes is PASS or FAIL). The end-of-sweep condition is determined by the CONTrol:AUXiliary:PASSfail:SCOPe command. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: FAIL - the line stays in FAIL state until the end-of-sweep condition occurs, at which time the pass/fail line is set, and the pass/fail strobe (line 36) is activated. NOWait - the pass/fail line is set, and the pass/fail strobe (line 36) is activated as soon as a failure condition occurs. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:PASSfail:MODE? |
Return Type |
Character |
NOWait |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets and reads the scope of pass/fail testing. The pass/fail line can report the status of all measurements on each channel, or all measurements on all channels. This command selects which option to use. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: CHANnel - A pass/fail result is computed and written to the output pins at the end of all sweeps on a channel. GLOBal - A pass/fail result is computed and written to the output pins at the end of all sweeps on a channel. If the pass/fail mode is NOWait (as set by CONTrol:AUXiliary:PASSfail:MODe), the status and strobe pins are written immediately. Otherwise the pins are written as indicated above. Regardless of the mode value, the pass/fail line is returned to its default state (as set by the MODE command) at the end of channel or group of channels. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:PASSfail:SCOPe? |
Return Type |
Character |
GLOBal |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Sets the policy used to determine how global pass/fail is computed. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Name of the policy to use. Choose from: ALLTests - Pass/Fail Status returns PASS if all tests on all measurements pass. ALLMeas - Pass/Fail Status returns PASS if all measurements have associated tests, and all tests pass. FAIL is returned if even one measurement has no associated limit test. Only those measurements which are not in HOLD mode contribute to the pass/fail result. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:PASSfail:POLicy? |
Return Type |
Character |
ALLTests |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Only) Returns the most recent pass/fail status value. Use this command as follows:
Return Type |
Character - One of the following is returned: PASS - all measurements not in HOLD mode have been swept, and all associated limit tests have passed. FAIL - all measurements not in HOLD mode have been swept, and one or more limit tests failed according to the specified Pass/Fail policy. NONE - status cannot be determined because measurements are in progress. |
Not Applicable |
Applicable Models: N522xB, N523xB, N524xB (Read-Write) Specifies the event that will cause the Sweep End line pin 11) to go to a low (false) state of the Material Handler IO. The line will return to a high state after the appropriate calculations are complete. |
Parameters |
<char> |
Choose from: CHANnel - The line goes low when all of the sweeps for each channel is complete. GLOBal - The line goes low when all the sweeps for all channels are complete. |
Examples |
Query Syntax |
CONTrol:AUXiliary:SWEepend? |
Return Type |
Character |
SWEep |